Configuring Questions for the Employer and Participant Applications

Configuring Questions for the Employer and Participant Applications

Companion's web applications for Employers and Participants allows for custom questions to be created to obtain information from the web form. The Question Type determines the type of response allowed by the question. This page contains the details and requirements to configure each type of question format.

The following types of questions may be configured. See each section for information or tips about configuring a particular question type.



This question is the basic text entry that allows any free-form text response.

You may use the optional Question Hint to show an example of the type of response expected.



This question type allows the applicant to choose either a "Yes" or "No" answer.



This question displays a simple entry field similar to the String (text) response, but will only accept a whole number (integer) response.

You may use the optional Question Hint to show an example of the type of response expected.



This question displays a simple entry field similar to the String (text) response, but will only accept a real number (decimal) response.

You may use the optional Question Hint to show an example of the type of response expected.



This question type displays a Date picker field that allows the applicant to select a specific date from a calendar.

How it appears on screen:

 Multiple Option

Multiple Option

This question type displays a list of checkable options on the screen from which the applicant may choose one or more responses.

To configure the possible answer options from which the applicant may select, enter each answer option in the Option Item List, separated by a semi-colon.

Setup example:

How it appears on screen:

 Single Option / Single Option Vertical

Single Option / Single Option Vertical

This question type displays a list of selectable options on the screen from which the applicant may choose only one response.

To configure the possible answer options from which the applicant may select, enter each answer option in the Option Item List, separated by a semi-colon.

Setup example:

How it appears on screen:

(Single Option Vertical is the same but will display the options vertically in a single column instead of horizontally.)



This type of question may be used to display descriptive text at any point on the application page without an associated question entry field.

For example, you could use a label to display a disclaimer or privacy policy at the bottom of the application form.

Label questions do not record a response from the user and will not be listed among the attached responses on a completed inquiry/application.



Similar to a label, this type of question may be used to display descriptive text without an associated question entry field, but in a more stylized manner. Question text will be displayed within a bordered box, and the optional Question Hint and Question Footer fields may be used to add a header and footer to the box.

Setup example:

How it looks on screen:

Header questions do not record a response from the user and will not be listed among the attached responses on a completed inquiry/application.


Use a hyperlink to provide a link to another page or document. Links will open in a new tab or window so the application page will be unaffected.

To configure a hyperlink, place the link URL in the Question field. To display the link as descriptive text instead of the raw URL, add this text to the Question Hint field.

Setup example:

How it appears on screen:

Hyperlink questions do not record a response from the user and will not be listed among the attached responses on a completed inquiry/application.



Use the embedded question type to display other multi-media (e.g. images, video) content directly within the application page.

To configure embedded content, place the link URL in the Question field.

NOTE: To display properly, embedded content must be hosted on a secure (HTTPS) server.

Embedded questions do not record a response from the user and will not be listed among the attached responses on a completed inquiry/application.



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