Delete a person or organization using the Delete tool under the File Menu/Module Button in an applicable tool in the Relationship Management Module.
This deletes the relationship between the person/organization and the office.
- Go to the applicable Module. (Example: if the person you want to delete is a Client, go to the Client Module.)
- In the Relationship Management Module, select the record of the person or organization you wish to delete.
- Click on the
- Profile tool under the Demographics menu on the ribbon to display the Profile screen in the Main Display Area.
- Under the options menu on the toolbar, click on the Delete Person tool.
- A question screen will popup asking if you are sure you want to delete the person/organization. Click Yes to delete them.
You can delete a person or organization only if they have never been involved in any schedules or other events. Otherwise, you will need to make the person or organization's relationship Inactive instead of deleting historical information.