The Client and Caregiver web inquiry/application forms are configured in the Agency Office Module, Home tab, Custom Forms option. This configuration determines the visual appearance of the form, as well as the questions and text that will appear. Each inquiry/application form is configured independently of the other. Inquiry/application forms can be configured for Clients, Caregivers and Office Staff. Multiple additional forms can be set up under the "Additional Web Intake Forms" tab. (For example, you may likely wish to have different sets of questions for employees applying to different positions and save these applications under different categories.) The following demographic information questions are always included in the form: - Name
- Address
- Contact information (Phone, Cell, Email)

The following fields on the setup form allow you to configure the appearance and questions: Field Names | Field Descriptions |
| The title to be displayed at the top of the web page | Role | The type of person applying (Client, Caregiver or Office Staff). | Category | Optionally choose a default category that the Inquiry/Application will be added as. | Instructions | Additional text to be displayed at the top of the form, below the form title. Use this section to provide additional information and instructions to your prospective clients or caregivers for completing the form. | Notification Email (Optional) | Specify an email address that will receive a message every time someone completes this form. | Minimum Accept Score | Certain questions can be assigned a score value that will be counted if the applicant answers that question. By assigning score values to key questions and specifying a minimum acceptance score, you can ensure that important questions are answered. If the total score of the application is less than the minimum acceptance score, the application's status will be marked as "Rejected." (This action will not prevent you from turning the "Rejected" applicant into a potential client or caregiver, but it does separate them from those who have passed the "Acceptable" score threshold.) | Show Office Name | Show the name of your office in the header of the page | Show Office Address | Show your office's address in the header of the page | Show Office Logo | Display your office's logo in the header of the page | Prompt for Languages | Display a question on the form that allows the applicant to indicate the languages they speak by choosing from the list of Languages in your system. | Prompt for Skills | Display a question on the form that allows the applicant to indicate the skills they possess (caregiver) or require for service (client) by choosing from the list of Skills in your system. | Prompt for Required Dates/Certifications | (Caregiver Only) Display a question on the form that allows the applicant to indicate the certifications they possess by choosing from the list of Required Dates/Certifications in your system. | Questions | Select other questions you want to appear on the form from the list of Questions in User Defined. | Languages | Select the list of Languages to be shown as options to be selected on the form, if the Language question is displayed. If nothing is selected in this list, then all of the Languages in the system will be presented as options to be chosen; otherwise only the selected Languages here will be selectable by the applicant. | Skills | Select the list of Skills to be shown as options to be selected on the form, if the Skills question is displayed. If nothing is selected in this list, then all of the Skills in the system will be presented as options to be chosen; otherwise only the selected Skills here will be selectable by the applicant. | Required Dates/Certifications | Select the list of Required Dates to be shown as options to be selected on the form, if the Required Dates/Certifications question is displayed. If nothing is selected in this list, then all of the Required Dates in the system will be presented as options to be chosen; otherwise only the selected Required Dates here will be selectable by the applicant. | Legal Message | Additional text to be displayed at the bottom of the form, before the submit button. Use this section to place your employment application disclaimer and acknowledgement or applicant waiver details. | Submit Page Message | Additional text to be displayed on the thank-you page after submission of the application. |
Info |
To see the form you have completed click the View Form button. A webpage will appear with your inquiry/application. The link in the address bar is the link you will want to embed into your company's website. |