HomeTrak will soon be deprecating legacy Access Key based logins for users of HomeTrak Mobile on iOS and Android devices. It is imperative you migrate your Office Staff and Caregiver users to HomeTrak Identity as soon as possible.
HomeTrak Identity provides each user with a single account that is used for accessing all HomeTrak applications including HomeTrak Companion, HomeTrak Mobile for iOS and Android, and HomeTrak Online. This replaces the legacy access-key based system that used a 16-20 character key alongside a username and password.
Migrating a Single Caregiver or Office Staff to HomeTrak Identity
Identity the user you wish to migrate.
Under Account on the selected profile select Manage User Account (Identity)
3. On the next screen validate that the User name and Email address are the same and contain a valid and functional email address for this person. This User name will become their new user name they will use for authenticating with Identity.
4. Click Create and Email Identity Account. This will email the selected person a Welcome to Identity email that will contain instructions for setting their password and their security questions.
Migrating Multiple Caregivers to HomeTrak Identity
This method allows you to bulk migrate multiple Caregivers to HomeTrak Identity.
Navigate to Agency Office Module → With Support’s Advice → Bulk Add Cloud Security Accounts
Ensure that each of the selected Caregivers have a valid email address and that email address is also their Security Username. For any Caregivers missing an email address, navigate to their profile and add a new General Email Address.
Once all Caregivers have valid email addresses, click Create Accounts to invite and email each of the selected Caregivers.