HomeTrak payroll can be interfaced with Paychex Preview by means of a text file. By using a tool in the Payroll Module, you can create a text file of HomeTrak's posted payroll. Then you can send the text file to Paychex for use in the creation of your payroll.

The Paychex interface must be set up in the Agency Office Module before it can be used.

Paychex Preview was previously called RapidPC. Paychex Preview may be occasionally referred to as RapidPC.

The export in HomeTrak Companion must be performed on the same workstation that has Paychex Preview installed. (Both HomeTrak Companion and Paychex Preview must be installed on this workstation.)

Start Setup here...

In the Agency Office Module, click on the Settings tool and select Payroll Settings. Click on the Edit tool and select Paychex as the Primary or Secondary External Payroll Package. Click Save.

While still in the Agency Office Module, click on the Interfaces tool in the ribbon. Select the Paychex Setup tab.

For further details on each field click here.

How to export payroll to Paychex; click here.

The Earnings and Deductions code for regular time should be entered in the Shifts portion of the Paychex Setup screen.

Table: Paychex Interface Setup screen information

Field NameField Description
PathThe directory path where HomeTrak Companion will put the file it creates when the Paychex Export is run. If a file already exists the system will ask if you want to overwrite when you export.  If you select Yes the file will be overwritten.  
Company Code Your four digit company number/code assigned by Paychex.  The Company code must be 4 characters long. 
Per Visit - Holiday 

Earning and Deduction Codes must be populated for each item.  Your Paychex representative can assist you in determining the code for each of the earnings and deductions. 

The earnings and deductions codes consist of 3 characters:  the first being an' E' to indicate it is an earnings code or  a 'D' to indicate a deduction code, then the two character code for the item.  The codes may not be less than 2 characters and may not be more than 3 characters.   HomeTrak can accept both alphabetic and numeric entries in the 3 digit code.

Example: If Mileage is a deduction code, the code may be similar to 'DMI'.  If Mileage is an earning code, then the code might be 'EMI' or something similar.
Consult with Paychex if you need additional information on the Earning and Deduction Codes.

If a user chooses to leave a field blank, the system defaults to "E1" for the code, which is the Paychex default for regular pay. 


Earning and Deduction Codes must be populated for Regular hours in the Shifts portion of this setup screen.  Your Paychex representative  can assist you in determining the code for each of the earnings and deductions.   

The earnings and deductions codes consist of 3 characters:  the first being an' E' to indicate it is an earnings code or  a 'D' to indicate a deduction code, then the two character code for the item.  The codes may not be less than 2 characters and may not be more than 3 characters.   HomeTrak can accept both alphabetic and numeric entries in the 3 digit code.

Example: If Mileage is a deduction code, the code may be similar to 'DMI'.  If Mileage is an earning code, then the code might be 'EMI' or something similar.
Consult with Paychex if you need additional information on the Earning and Deduction Codes.

If a user chooses to leave a field blank, the system defaults to "E1" for the code, which is the Paychex default for regular pay. 

Use Departments Check the box to use Departments 
Call Type Department CodesIf you use Departments you must enter the appropriate Department for each Call Type
Ratio Select the appropriate Ratio for Hourly, Per Visit and Live-in items.  Indicate if you want the items to show in Paychex as hours or as a single unit. 

How to add the Paychex Payroll ID to each Caregiver in HomeTrak

If the caregiver ID in HomeTrak Companion and the caregiver/employee ID in Paychex are identical, no additional setup is required on the caregiver records. If the caregiver ID in HomeTrak Companion is different than the caregiver/employee ID in Paychex, then the Paychex ID must be entered in the Caregiver's Profile in the Caregiver Module. In the External ID section, click the Add tool, add 'Paychex' in the Type field and the ID number (must be 6 digits, pad with zeros if less than 6) in the Value field. Click Save.

How to export Payroll to Paychex Preview

After the required setup is completed, you will see an Export to Paychex tool on the Payroll Module screen. 

After posting payroll in the Payroll Module, you can then select the Export to Paychex  tool and click the Run 'Paychex' Export tool in the ribbon.

When you click Run 'Paychex' Export, a text file is created called paychex.txt in the path specified in the setup above.  If a file already exists, the system will ask if you want to overwrite it. If you select Yes, the file will be overwritten. (This is the normal process, the file will exist from a previous export until it is overwritten during the next export). If you select No, the file will not be overwritten and the export will be cancelled. Once the file is created, follow the import instructions included with the Preview/RapidPC documentation to import the file into Paychex.