Referrals represent how people first heard about your company. Adding the Referral Source for your caregivers allows you to run robust Management Reports to track the success of your business. You can use Management Reports to evaluate your referrals in many ways:

Referral sources can be tracked for Client and Caregivers, if desired.

Adding Referrals

To add a Referral to a Client or Caregiver, select the appropriate person in the module, and then click on the Referral tool under the Documentation drop down on the ribbon. Click Add on the tool bar to add a referral.

Select the date, category, and organization and/or individual who referred this person to you company.

You may also optionally add an office staff person to be credited with this referral, and add any other notes. Click Save to finish adding the referral.

In most cases, the Organization and Referrer you select/populate in this window will already exist in the database. If they do not, you can easily add them into the database by clicking the magnifying glass in the appropriate field and then clicking the Add tool in the window that opens.