Screen Reports Module Glossary

Screen Reports Module Glossary



A grid detailing general contact and address information for the selected people.


A grid listing all Statuses added within a given date range for the selected people.


A grid listing all Communication items attached to the selected people.

Status Flow

A grid that details the first Potential, Assessed and Active Status dates for each selected person. This grid is a helpful tool for tracking when people became Active, and how long it takes for people to move from first being added as Potential to becoming Active.


A grid listing the people or organizations who referred the selected people to your office.

Required Dates

A grid listing all Required Dates and their expiration dates attached to the selected people.


A grid listing Schedules, Tasks and Appointments within a given date range involving the selected people.

Documented Events

A grid listing Documented Events within a given date range involving the selected people.


A grid listing all Qualifications attached to the selected people.


A grid listing all Skills attached to the selected people.

Attached People

A grid detailing other people related to the selected people and the type of relationship.

Summary of Scheduled Hours

A grid that details Caregivers’ weekly scheduled hours for a given date range. This grid is a helpful tool to quickly compare Caregivers’ scheduled hours to their maximum hours per week, which are set on their profiles.

Weeks that start within the filter date range will be included in the grid.

Preferred Districts

A grid listing all Preferred Districts for the selected people.


Pending – Detail

A grid listing all Pending Caregiver records within a given date range including the selected people.

Pending – Summary

Similar to the Pending – Detail grid, but listing only the most recent Pending Caregiver record for any given schedule, if the selected person has multiple Pending records on a single schedule.

Open Pending

A grid listing schedules without a caregiver, where the selected caregiver(s) are attached as eligible Pending Caregivers.

Attached Detail


A grid listing all Characteristics attached to the selected people.


A grid listing all Classifications attached to the selected people.


A grid listing all Languages attached to the selected people.

Payroll Options

A grid detailing the Payroll Options for the selected people.

Payroll Rates

A grid listing all Payroll Rates attached to the selected people.


A grid listing Emails sent to the selected people from Companion.

Extra Information

A grid listing all Extra Information items attached to the selected people.

Popup Alert

A grid listing all Popup Alerts attached to the selected people.

Recurring Events

A grid listing all Recurring Events (Schedules, Tasks, Appointments) involving the selected people.


A grid listing all Location (address) information for the selected people, including primary and secondary addresses.


A grid listing all Notes attached to the selected people.

Schedule Directions

A grid listing Schedules with distance and travel time to the event.

Distance and travel time can be calculated and validated using the grid toolbar.

External IDs

A grid listing all External IDs attached to the selected people.

GPS Tracking


Security Session

A grid detailing information about security sessions, showing when the selected Caregivers have logged in to the mobile apps.

Security Mobile

A grid detailing mobile security usernames and settings for the selected people.

Event Reminders

A grid detailing automated event reminders that have been added to the selected caregivers.

Schedule Task Note




A grid detailing general contact and address information for the selected people.


A grid listing all Statuses added within a given date range for the selected people.


A grid listing all Communication items attached to the selected people.

Status Flow

A grid that details the first Potential, Assessed and Active Status dates for each selected person. This grid is a helpful tool for tracking when people became Active, and how long it takes for people to move from first being added as Potential to becoming Active.


A grid listing the people or organizations who referred the selected people to your office.

Required Dates

A grid listing all Required Dates and their expiration dates attached to the selected people.


A grid listing all Schedules, Tasks, and Appointments within a given date range involving the selected people.

Documented Events

A grid listing all Documented Events within a given date range involving the selected people.

Client Signatures

A grid detailing which Clients have a master signature recorded on their profile. (Captured via the mobile app.)

Care Plan


A grid listing all Characteristics attached to the selected people.

Home/Health Evaluation

A grid listing Health items attached to the selected people.

ICD Codes

A grid listing ICD diagnosis codes attached to the selected people.


A grid listing required Skills attached to the selected people.

Duties to Perform

A grid listing the care plan duties to perform attached to the selected people.

All Care Plan Notes

A grid listing all care plan notes attached to the selected people.

Attached People (Detailed)

A grid detailing other people related to the selected people and the type of relationship.

Summary of Authorized Hours

A grid that details Clients’ weekly scheduled hours for a given date range. This grid is a helpful tool to quickly compare Clients’ scheduled hours to their maximum authorized hours.

Periods (days, weeks, months, years; depending on the selection on each individual Authorization) that start within the filter date range will be included in the grid.

All Authorizations

A grid listing all Authorizations attached to the selected Clients.

Attached Detail


A grid listing all Classifications attached to the selected people.


A grid listing all Languages attached to the selected people.

Billing Options

A grid detailing the Billing Options for the selected people.

Billing Rates

A grid listing Billing Rates attached to the selected people.


A grid listing Emails sent to the selected people from Companion.

Extra Information

A grid listing all Extra Information items attached to the selected people.

Popup Alert

A grid listing all Popup Alerts attached to the selected people.

Recurring Events

A grid listing all Recurring Events (Schedules, Tasks, Appointments) involving the selected people.


A grid listing all Location (address) information for the selected people, including primary and secondary addresses.


A grid listing all Notes attached to the selected people.

Schedule Directions

A grid listing Schedules with distance and travel time to the event.

Distance and travel time can be calculated and validated using the grid toolbar.

External IDs

A grid listing all External IDs attached to the selected people.

Security Session

A grid detailing information about security sessions, showing when the selected Clients have logged in to the mobile apps.

Security Mobile

A grid detailing mobile security usernames and settings for the selected people.

Schedule Task Note


Inquiry Questions


Interview Questions




A grid detailing general contact and address information for the selected people.


A grid listing all Communication items attached to the selected people.

People Referred

A grid listing people who have been referred to your office by the selected people or organizations.

Office Staff


A grid detailing general contact and address information for the selected people.


A grid listing all Statuses added within a given date range for the selected people.


A grid listing all Communication items attached to the selected people.


A grid showing statistical information for Achievements being tracked by the selected Office Staff. (These Achievement goals can be set up in the Office Staff Module.) Achievements are statistical measures of your office’s activity.

Flattened Achievements

A grid showing Achievement statistics with data flattened into a single row for each period, with columns for each Achievement type.

Required Dates

A grid listing all Required Dates and their expiration dates attached to the selected people.

Attached Detail


A grid listing all Classifications attached to the selected people.


A grid listing all Characteristics attached to the selected people.


A grid listing all Languages attached to the selected people.


A grid listing all Schedules, Tasks and Appointments within a given date range involving the selected people.

Documented Events

A grid listing all Documented Events within a given date range involving the selected people.

Attached People (Detailed)

A grid detailing other people related to the selected people and the type of relationship.


A grid listing Emails sent to the selected people from Companion.

Extra Information

A grid listing all Extra Information items attached to the selected people.

Recurring Events

A grid listing all Recurring Events (Schedules, Tasks, Appointments) involving the selected people.


A grid listing all Location (address) information for the selected people, including primary and secondary addresses.


A grid listing all Notes attached to the selected people.

External IDs

A grid listing all External IDs attached to the selected people.


A grid detailing security settings related to the selected Office Staff’s login (username).

Security Mobile

A grid detailing mobile security usernames and settings for the selected people.

Security Session

A grid detailing information about security sessions, showing when the selected Office Staff have logged in to the system.



A grid detailing general contact and address information for the selected organizations.


A grid listing all Statuses added within a given date range for the selected organizations.


A grid listing all Communication items attached to the selected organizations.

Attached Detail


A grid listing all Classifications attached to the selected organizations.


A grid listing all Languages attached to the selected organizations.


A grid listing all Tasks and Appointments within a given date range involving the selected organizations.

Documented Events

A grid listing all Documented Events within a given date range involving the selected organizations.

Attached People (Detailed)

A grid detailing people related to the selected organizations and the type of the relationship.


A grid listing Emails sent to the selected organizations from Companion.

Extra Information

A grid listing all Extra Information items attached to the selected organizations.

Popup Alert

A grid listing all Popup Alerts attached to the selected organizations.


A grid listing all Location (address) information for the selected organizations, including primary and secondary addresses.


A grid listing all Notes attached to the selected organizations.



A grid detailing general contact and address information for the selected people.


A grid listing all Statuses added within a given date range for the selected people.


A grid listing all Communication items attached to the selected people.

Attached Detail


A grid listing all Characteristics attached to the selected people.


A grid listing all Classifications attached to the selected people.


A grid listing all Languages attached to the selected people.


A grid listing all Tasks and Appointments within a given date range involving the selected people.

Documented Events

A grid listing all Documented Events within a given date range involving the selected people.

Attached People (Detailed)

A grid detailing other people related to the selected people and the type of relationship.


A grid listing Emails sent to the selected people from Companion.

Extra Information

A grid listing all Extra Information items attached to the selected people.

Popup Alert

A grid listing all Popup Alerts attached to the selected people.


A grid listing all Location (address) information for the selected people, including primary and secondary addresses.


A grid listing all Notes attached to the selected people.



A grid detailing general contact and address information for the selected payers.


A grid listing all Statuses added within a given date range for the selected payers.


A grid listing all Communication items attached to the selected payers.

Billing Options

A grid detailing the Billing Options for the selected payers.

Billing Rates

A grid listing Billing Rates attached to the selected payers.

External IDs

A grid listing all External IDs attached to the selected payers.

Attached Detail


A grid listing all Classifications attached to the selected payers.


A grid listing all Languages attached to the selected payers.


A grid listing all Tasks and Appointments within a given date range involving the selected payers.

Documented Events

A grid listing all Documented Events within a given date range involving the selected payers.

Attached People

A grid detailing other people related to the selected payersand the type of relationship.

Extra Information

A grid listing all Extra Information items attached to the selected payers.


A grid listing all Location (address) information for the selected payers, including primary and secondary addresses.


A grid listing all Notes attached to the selected payers.

All People


A grid detailing general contact and address information for the selected people.


A grid listing all Statuses added within a given date range for the selected people.


A grid listing all Communication items attached to the selected people.

Attached Detail


A grid listing all Characteristics attached to the selected people.


A grid listing all Classifications attached to the selected people.


A grid listing all Languages attached to the selected people.


A grid listing all Schedules, Tasks and Appointments within a given date range involving the selected people.

Documented Events

A grid listing all Documented Events within a given date range involving the selected people.

Attached People (Detailed)

A grid detailing other people related to the selected people and the type of relationship.


A grid listing Emails sent to the selected people from Companion.

Extra Information

A grid listing all Extra Information items attached to the selected people.

Popup Alert

A grid listing all Popup Alerts attached to the selected people.


A grid listing all Location (address) information for the selected people, including primary and secondary addresses.


A grid listing all Notes attached to the selected people.

Agency Office 


A grid detailing general contact and address information for the selected office.


A grid listing all Communication items attached to the selected people.

Payroll Rates

A grid listing default Payroll Rates attached to the selected Office.

Billing Rates

A grid listing default Billing Rates attached to the selected Office.

All Authorizations

A grid listing all Authorizations attached to the selected Office.

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