Configuring Interactive SMS Commands ('Hashtags')

These settings are protected and can only be configured with the assistance of HomeTrak technical support staff.

HomeTrak Companion's SMS Texting feature supports several interactive user commands to retrieve data or perform other actions.

You must enable the particular commands you wish to make available. Only enabled commands will be recognized as valid by a user.

Enabled Hashtags are configured in the Telecom - IVR Settings tool under the Remote Access menu in the Optional tab in the Agency Office Module

Click on the SMS Setup panel in the explorer bar at right, and then on the Hashtags tab within this panel. Click on 'Choose' to choose from the available commands to enable.

Users can now text the system using these commands by entering the command text preceded by a hashtag (#) symbol.

For example, texting '#help' to the office SMS/IVR number will respond with the list of enabled commands that are available to use. '#whoami' will return the identity (name and ID) of the person by looking up the cell phone number in the system.