Indicate the Schedule Length a Caregiver is Willing to work

Pre-Requisite: The Schedule Length description option you wish to use must already be added to the Schedule Length list in User Defined Module, Optional Tab. (Each Schedule Length item specifies a range with a minimum and maximum number of hours.)


Open the Caregiver's record in the Caregiver Module.

- Click on the drop down arrow under the Scheduling Setup tool on the ribbon. Then Click the Schedule Length tool.

- Click the Choose tool. Choose item(s) in the left-hand column  Pick List and click on the Add button in the center of the screen to add the item(s) to the list of schedule lengths the Caregiver is willing to work.

Click OK.

Once you have identified the schedule length(s) a Caregiver prefers to work, then you can use the information in conjunction with the Caregiver Suggestion tool. The Caregiver Suggestion tool can filter on Caregivers willing to work the time span of the schedule.

If a Caregiver has no preferences attached under Schedule Length, they will be considered willing to work any schedule length. If a Caregiver's preference does not match a schedule length, it will not prevent the Caregiver from being scheduled. The schedule length preference is only used when suggesting appropriate Caregivers for a schedule.