Using Caregiver Suggestion to Notify Caregivers of an Available Schedule

Sometimes you may be trying to find a caregiver to fill an open schedule that is coming up soon and has still not been filled, or the original caregiver has been removed for some reason (called off sick for example). You may not in this case wish to simply choose a caregiver to put into the schedule, as you have not been able to yet confirm a caregiver's availability or notify them of the schedule.

Once you have used the /wiki/spaces/HCV5/pages/1835158 tool to find the appropriate caregivers for a schedule, you can use the options on this same screen to send out a notification to the selected caregivers that a schedule is available.

To send out and email and text message (if your company is set up with texting abilities) to the selected caregivers to notify them of an available open schedule. You can add a personalized message in the text by entering text into the "Extra SMS Text" field. This will be added to the end of the standard notification text that is sent out. If your company does not have the SMS texting features set up, this will just send emails.

To just send out emails and not text the caregivers, use the "Just Email Caregivers" tool.

To just send out texts and not email the caregivers, use the "Just Text Caregivers" tool.

To send emails, you must have the email capabilities setup in HomeTrak Companion. The content and amount of detailed schedule information included in the sent emails can be configured in the Agency Office Module, Systems Overrides tool, Settings option.  The emails will always include the Event ID of the schedule, which you can use in the Quick Schedule Edit feature on the Schedule Review and Calendar Modules to quickly find and edit this schedule when the caregiver responds to the offer.

To send text messages, you must have the SMS texting capabilities setup in HomeTrak Companion.

If you do not use, or do not wish to use, either the email or texting features of Companion and want to contact the caregivers directly, you may also choose to simply add the checked people as Pending Caregivers to the schedule by clicking on the "Only Adding, Not Sending" tool. You can then record the history of any follow-up calls on the schedule using the /wiki/spaces/HCV5/pages/1835199.