Controlling how Caregivers and Clients see Future Schedules in HomeTrak Online

As you create accounts to provide access to your clients and caregivers to use the Companion mobile apps or HomeTrak Online web interface, you may find you wish to limit the future schedules that appear on your clients' and caregivers' calendars as you are working on creating and editing upcoming future schedules which may be subject to further change. In order to support this, we offer options that can limit the schedules shown on calendars for non-office staff users. (Office Staff will always be able to see all the schedules on the calendar.)

These options are found in the Agency Office Module under Settings > Schedule Settings in the Home tab.

Under the header "Publish Future Schedules on Non Office Staff Calendar" are the following two options. If enabled, schedules must match at least one of the selected criteria in order to be displayed on the calendar.

Having Attribute

If the schedule has the selected attribute attached to it, it will be displayed on the calendar.

Use this to specifically "publish" schedules to your clients and caregivers by attaching an attribute.

Remember - attributes can be applied in bulk to schedules in the Schedule Review module.

# of Weeks Future

If the schedule is within the specified number of weeks from the current date, it will be displayed on the calendar.

Use this to allow clients and caregivers to always see a rolling calendar of the next couple of weeks of schedules.

In the example above, calendars will show all schedules that are within 2 weeks from the current date OR have the attribute "Is Confirmed" attached to them, even if they are beyond the 2 weeks from the current date.

These options have no effect if they are not set up - so if no attribute is selected AND the # of weeks is 0, then all users will be able to see all of their schedules in the system, all the time.

As soon as EITHER an attribute is selected or # of weeks is set, then future schedules for non-office staff users will be hidden from their calendar unless allowed by the setup.

Any schedules in the past will always be shown on the calendar.