Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

1 Actualize Options
ActualizeFill actual hours into schedules
that are missing actual hours.
2 Finalize Options
FinalizeFinalize schedules
that have actual hours.
Validate Hour CodeValidate schedules before finalizing to
identity and
identify any non-bill or non-pay schedules and verify that this is correct.
Validate Bill RateValidate that all schedules have a non-zero billing rate before finalizing.
Validate Pay RateValidate that all schedules have a non-zero pay rate before finalizing.
Finalize Billing

How billing hours will be finalized: Auto (using Payers' Billing Options), Rounded Actual Hours, Scheduled Hours or Actual Hours.

Finalize PayrollHow payroll hours will be finalized: Auto (using Caregivers' Payroll Options), Rounded Actual Hours, Scheduled Hours or Actual Hours.
3 Post-Finalize Options
Calculate MileageCalculate mileage.
Calculate Travel TimeCalculate travel time.
Call Type Credit Logic

Automatically adjust finalized hours for schedules for Services (Call Types) with a Credit Logic specified, that accrue hours to credit based on other hours worked.

For a good example of how Service Credit Logic works, see the document Sick Time Tracking in Companion.

Maximize Authorized Hours
Maximize hours for under-billed authorizations.
Expense Expense amount
Extra Charge Type Auto Fill
 DescriptionExpense description.Amount
Automatically add an extra charge record to all of the processed schedules. Choose the type of extra charge (this field) and the amount or rate and units and whether the charge applies to billing or payroll (appropriate fields will become visible when the type is selected).
Bill Break Adjustment

Adjust breaks on all schedules (for billing) by a specified amount (hours).

This amount will be added or subtracted to any total break hours already applied to the schedule.

Pay Break Adjustment

Adjust breaks on all schedules (for payroll) by a specified amount (hours).

This amount will be added or subtracted to any total break hours already applied to the schedule.

4. Calculate Billing
Calculate BillingCalculate billing for
finalized schedules.
Batch PrefixExtra text to insert at the beginning of the batch name/description.
Batch SuffixExtra text to insert at the end of the batch name/description.
Forecast Billing
Generate forecast billing (Projected Revenue) for un-calculated schedules.
Number of weeks forward to forecast.
5. Post Billing
Post Billing
Post calculated billing.
Invoice Date
Choose how the Invoice date will be set on the posted records: Now, End of Month, End of Recipe Period
Post Date
Choose how the post date will be set on the posted records: Now, End of Month, End of Recipe Period
6. Calculate Payroll
Calculate PayrollCalculate payroll for
finalized schedules.

Batch Prefix

Extra text to insert at the beginning of the batch name/description.
Batch SuffixExtra text to insert at the end of the batch name/description.
Forecast Payroll
Generate forecast payroll (Projected Revenue) for un-calculated schedules.
Number of weeks forward to forecast.
7. Post Payroll
Post Payroll
Post calculated payroll.
Post Date
Choose how the post date will be set on the posted records: Now, End of Month, End of Recipe Period