Recipes (One-Click Billing and Payroll Processing)

Recipes (One-Click Billing and Payroll Processing)

(Version 6.2+)

**This feature is password protected. If you want to modify your recipes contact Support.

A Recipe is a configurable tool that allows you to perform multiple steps of processing a schedule through billing and payroll in one process (i.e. Finalize, Calculate and Post Billing & Payroll with a single click). The Recipe is fully configurable and consists of a set of steps and options for processing. You can create a Recipe that does all or only part of the entire process from Actualizing schedules through Posting. The Recipe may start or end at any part of the process.

Recipes have the possibility to greatly simplify the Billing and Payroll process since you only need to set up the Recipe once and then you can run the Recipe to process both Billing and Payroll at the same time.

Multiple Recipes can be configured with different options to be used for different scenarios.

Configuring Recipes

To use Recipes, you must first configure a Recipe with the desired processing steps. Recipes are configured in the Agency Office Module, using the Recipes tool in the Home tab.

To create a new Recipe, click on the Add button on the toolbar. This will open the setup screen for the new Recipe.

Give the Recipe a Name and choose the starting point. Once the starting point has been selected, the appropriate steps and options will be displayed in a panel on the right half of the screen.

Each step in the Recipe can be set to one of three options:

Off - Do not perform this option.

Prompt - Ask the user before performing this option when running the recipe.

Automatic - Always perform this option when running the recipe.

To configure the Recipe, enable (set to either "Prompt" or "Automatic" as desired) the required steps and customize any additional options for the enabled steps.

Click link →  Full list of Recipe steps and options.

For offices with relatively simple scheduling, billing and payroll, you can set up a Recipe to perform the entire process in one click.

For offices with larger volumes or more variation in billing and payroll, it may be recommended to have the Recipe end after calculating Billing and Payroll so the records may be reviewed for errors before being completed by Posting.

You will also be required to chose what schedules will be included in the processing when you run the recipe:

Calculate using the starting records - Only process the schedules that are specifically checked in the grid when you run this recipe. Use this to process specific sets of schedules.

If the checkbox is not visible in the grid by default, you may need to turn it on using the options under the "Layout" menu on the grid toolbar.

Include all records for the Batch Date - Process all schedules that fall within the filter date range, even if they are not checked or visible in the current data in the grid when you run this recipe. Use this only when you always want to calculate everything within a date range.

Using Recipes

Once one or more Recipes have been configured in the system, you can use them in the Schedule Review Module.

Set your filter date range and load data into the grid. Check the schedules to process, if applicable.

Then click the "Run Recipe" button on the ribbon. You will be prompted to select the Recipe to use. Then the Recipe will run through the steps as you have configured them in the Agency Office.

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