Forward a Copy of an Incoming Text to an Office Staff Person's Cell

NOTE: As this feature will send a copy of the message to the office staff person as a second text message, enabling these features may significantly increase your texting costs.

These settings are protected and can only be configured with the assistance of HomeTrak technical support staff.

HomeTrak Companion allows you to forward a copy of incoming text messages as a text message to an office staff person's cell phone. This can also be configured to send for specific day and time ranges, so it can be used to monitor after-hours messages by an on-call staffer, for example. You can set up multiple forwarding ranges for different days, times or office staff people.

("Hashtag" command messages will not be forwarded.)

Setting up forwarding of incoming text messages is configured in the Telecom - IVR Settings tool in the Optional tab of the Agency Office Module, under the Remote Access dropdown tool. Edit the settings and click on the SMS Setup section of the explorer panel on the right side of the window. Then click Add to set up forwarding periods.


Office Telecom #The office texting number. This field will be automatically filled in.
Office StaffThe office staff person to receive the forwarded messages.
Forward to CellThe cell number to forward the incoming text messages to. This will automatically fill in with the top cell phone attached to the selected office staff person when the office staff is selected.
Day of WeekThe day of the week that texts will be forwarded.
TimeThe start time of the forwarding period.
HoursThe length of the forwarding period.
Limit to Managed ByIf this option is checked, the office staff person will only be forwarded messages from clients or caregivers for whom they are the manager.
ClassificationsIf any classifications are selected, the office staff person will only be forwarded messages from clients or caregivers that have one of the listed classifications attached to their profile.