Agency Office Glossary

Agency Office Glossary

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Add New Office

Add a new Office into the system. HomeTrak Companion supports operating multiple offices within a single database. HomeTrak’s licensing is on a per-office basis, therefore this option is restricted and can only be accessed by HomeTrak Support staff.

Edit Office

Edit your Agency Office's profile.

Delete Office

Delete an Office from the system. An Office can only be deleted if there is nothing attached to it. If there are Call Types, Rates, Authorizations or People attached to an Office, it cannot be deleted.

Edit Company

Edit your Company's profile.

Corporate Reporting Setup

Setup franchise corporate reporting options here. If your office is a franchisee of a larger company and the corporate company uses HomeTrak Companion’s franchise reporting tools, the exports of employer and billing information to the corporate office are configured here. 

NOTE: These reporting requirements are normally dictated by the franchise corporation and should not be changed by the individual franchisees. This section is restricted and can only be accessed by HomeTrak Support staff.

If your office is an independent or private company, or the corporate franchise does not use HomeTrak’s reporting tools, this section does not apply to your company or office.

Home Tab

Users and Passwords

Set up and maintain your users in the system. Each username must be tied to an Office Staff member. You can reset users’ passwords and Security Roles here. Security Roles control which portions of the system a user can access, and they are configured in User Defined Information. If you do not select a Security Role for a user, they will have full access to all parts of the system.

Email Setup

Configure your email settings here. If you wish to send calendars or other emails through Companion, or use the Schedule Alerting features, this information must be set up with valid email address and server information.

Date and Time

Configure defaults relating to the display of dates and times, times for the creation of Schedules and other events, lengths of Recurrences and Authorizations, and effective ranges of Billing and Pay Rates, etc.


This section contains configuration options relating to Schedules, and calendar emailing. You can also select optional default Attributes to be automatically applied when a Schedule is created.

Schedule Settings

General options related to the calculation of schedule hours, travel time and mileage.

Calendar Export

General options related to emailing and printing Calendars from Companion.


Miscellaneous optional system overrides.

Name Formats

Choose your preferred display format for the names of new people entered in Companion.  The default is <LastName>, <FirstName>.

System Overrides

Miscellaneous additional options not related to the above categories.

Default Images

(Optional) Choose a different icon to be the default profile image based on the type of person added to Companion. Changing profile images here will override the generic default image.

Web Forms Setup

Here you can configure which information is included on the web forms including attaching the specific questions to the Employer and Participant forms. (The list of questions and their options are configured in the User Defined Information Module.)

You can also specify a notification email which will receive a notification when a new application has been submitted.

For more information on configuring the application pages, see Employer and Participant Web Application Setup.

This feature is only available if you are using HomeTrak’s cloud hosted solution.

Review Tab

Quick Add Events

Set up pre-defined patterns of events that can be used to add multiple tasks or appointments into the system at once for a person.

EXAMPLE: Use a pattern to create a standard set of follow-up tasks and assessment appointments for a new Employer.

Event Pattern

A collection of events (tasks and appointments) to be added together.

Setup Individual Events

Configure the templates for the individual events to add.

Choose the type (Task or Appointment) and category of the event as well as a default person to perform and default time and length.

The event can also be given a default offset from a baseline date (specified when adding events using the pattern) in order to create multiple events in a specific sequence.

EXAMPLE: An initial visit and a follow up a week after.


Add, edit, view and delete Holidays for your Office(s).  (Before adding office-specific Holiday dates here, you must pre-establish your list of Holiday categories in the User Defined Information Module.)

Because the dates of some holidays change on a yearly basis, you must adjust the Holiday dates every year. If a Holiday occurs on the same day every year, you must change the year of the Office Holiday for it to be valid the next calendar year.


Achievements are business performance statistics that you can track on various subjects within the program. Define the Achievements you wish to track, and add a target range, if desired. If you use a target range, any actual results outside of the range will be flagged as “Above Average” or “Below Average”. Calculated Achievement results are viewable in the Management Reports Module.

Optional Tab

Quick Add Notices

Set up pre-defined patterns of reminder Notices that you can add to Tasks, Appointments and other events. Notice Patterns allow you to create sets of Notices for multiple people for common tasks. A Notice Pattern specifies a template for adding multiple notices at once and selecting a Notice Pattern on an event will automatically create all of the Notices from the Pattern, instead of requiring the user to manually set up each individual notice.

EXAMPLE: If there are three people you want to notify every time an appointment of a certain type is added, you can create a Pattern that includes the template for all three notices.

Notice Pattern

Set up Notice Patterns to apply to events. A Notice Pattern consists of a group of template notices.

Setup Individual Notices

Configure the individual notice templates to include in the pattern(s). Each template notice specifies the type of notice (email or on-screen), when to send it, and an optional default person. If no default person is specified, a notice is created for every person on the event except the Client or Primary Person.

HTML Export Setup

Set up a schedule for HomeTrak Companion to automatically export demographic and calendar information to HTML (web page) documents. This feature is designed to be used in conjunction with the Companion: On the Road mobile (read-only) application, available on iPad and Android phones and tablets. By setting up a fixed schedule of automatic exports, you can ensure that on-call staff using the mobile app have access to up-to-date information.

The export folder path that you choose in the HTML Export Setup must be on or accessible from the HomeTrak Companion application server (the machine where the Maintenance and Telephony services are running). For the exported information to be available to be downloaded and used by the Companion: On the Road mobile (read-only) app, the DropBox application must be downloaded and installed on the server and the export path must be the root of the DropBox folder.

Schedule Alerts

Use the Schedule Alerts tool to specify when the system should send out schedule reminder messages and alert messages. Reminder and alert message master lists are created in the User Defined Information Module. These master lists are pre-populated with items considered most useful for setting up alerts.

The system can send out reminder messages for Schedules if your server is set up for email capabilities and the Telephony service is running.

If you have SMS Texting features enabled, you may wish to use the Event Reminders feature to send reminder messages to the person in the event.

Telephony reminders are only sent to the specific person(s) selected in the Schedule Alerts setup.

Office Notes

Use this tool to enter internal notes for office use and information only.



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