Participant Job Matching Glossary

Participant Job Matching Glossary

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Suggest for Recurrence 

Check availability for the returned participants in the Job Matching Participants grid for all open schedules created from the same master recurring schedule for a specified number of weeks forward and limit the results to only participants who are available for all of the open schedules.

Suggest for Job Detail 

Check availability for the returned participants in the Job Matching Participants grid for all open schedules created from the same Contract (Job Detail) for a specified number of weeks forward and limit the results to only participants who are available for all of the open schedules.

Fill all Open Schedules with Selected Participant

Fill all schedules that are missing a participant that were created from the same Contract (Job Detail) with the currently selected participant in the Suggested Participants grid, for a specified number of weeks forward.



Change the job matching filter options to change the participants that will be returned in the grid.

Calculate Distance

Calculate distance and travel time from the checked participants' home or previous schedule to the location of this schedule. Distance and travel values will be automatically calculated if possible using HomeTrak's Trip directions service.

Once distance and travel has been calculated, the results will be displayed in the distance and travel columns within the Job Matching grid.

Map Highlighted Caregiver

Show the selected Participants's home address on a map.

Toggle Unavailable

Show or hide unavailable results in the Job Matching Participants grid.

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