HomeTrak Companion v6.2 Release Notes

HomeTrak Companion v6.2 Release Notes


  • On the Automated Report setup screen, the “Who will receive this report” has been re-captioned “People to receive a full copy of the report” for better indication of what this does, and the selection of people here is now limited to only Office Staff.
  • Fix for Sterling BackCheck integration.
  • Import from Template database wasn’t working for Relationship (e.g. Client, Caregiver, etc.) and Event (e.g. Task, Appointment, etc.) categories in User Defined.
  • Additional fix to Import button in User Defined Information to handle infrastructure update.
  • “Hide Negative Scores” button on Quick Pick screen wasn’t working right.
  • Added a check when adding a cloud user account to a new office staff person to try and make sure that the office staff gets the proper username equal to their username and not with an “_2” etc. on the end when they’ve already existed as a different type of relationship in the system.
  • Fixed an issue with commas in the Responsible Party’s name causing columns to be shifted in the Home Care Pulse initial email.


New Features

  • Recipes
    • Set up a “Recipe” (list of the steps to perform and associated options) in the Agency Office Module to enable easy one-click processing of Billing and Payroll from filling of actual hours all the way through calculation and posting.
    • The Recipe ensures that the same steps are always performed and makes the billing and payroll process easier and faster.


  • Allow more Required Date Types to be added.
  • Added Method (to show whether a call record came from telephony or mobile) and captured GPS Latitude/Longitude (for mobile “calls”) columns to the Raw Calls grid in Telephony Records.
  • Ability to link in Schedule information in the Billing/Payroll “External A-C” export grids via the Additional Columns advanced grid feature.
  • New and updated style themes.
  • Calculate Mileage/Travel Time options missing from Finalize tab in Schedule Review Module.
  • Additional fields on the “Show Hours Used” screen to show the total credited hours accrued and remaining.
  • Schedule Review grids:
    • Added Bill & Pay Break Hours as optional columns to the Finalize grid.
    • Added Clock-In Status as optional column to Daily Schedules grid.
  • Options in Schedule Settings in Agency Office to control what schedules are visible by caregivers on their mobile calendars, based on a configurable number of weeks into the future or having a specific attribute.
  • New Options on profile menu to easily create an email to a person or organization using Companion’s email tool or the default mail client installed on the user’s computer.
  • Telecom/IVR Settings in Agency Office Module is now protected by support password.
  • The “Show Multiple Calendars” (formerly “Day View”) to show multiple people side by side screen now has an added Filter button in the ribbon to specifically choose specific people to compare.
  • Ability to add additional Qualifications to Call Types in User Defined, so Call Types may be associated with multiple Qualifications.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed appearance issues with the software when Windows display settings are using text scaling or increased DPI settings
  • Fixed an issue with double clicking on a Note closing the window instead of editing when accessed from the profile menu in the Selected Result section at the top of the Find Area.
  • Corrected sorting in the Client Inquires grid so that “New” entries are back at the top of the list.
  • Fixed an issue with scenario filters being missing in the Messaging Module when first entering the screen.
  • Reports:
    • Fixed a spacing/layout issue with Characteristics on the Care Plan report when the report is printed in Landscape format.
    • Removed the page header from subsequent pages for the same client on the Care Plan report.
    • Client’s name missing from footer in Classic Care Plan (Landscape) report.
    • Report for Client Inquiry/Caregiver Application was including an obsolete, hidden “Method” field in the referral section.
    • Fixed an issue with the Tasks and Appointments report which could duplicate records if a person was attached under multiple roles in the system.
    • Signatures flex grid added to Caregivers.
    • Tasks Performed and Verification printed report for Caregivers now shows either Client signatures (if “Client Verification” option is selected) or Caregiver signatures (if option not selected).
  • EZClaim Advanced export:
    • ICD Indicator field on claims is now properly set to ICD-10.
    • Exporting a Client to EZClaim Advanced wasn’t setting the Insured’s DOB field properly.
    • Exporting invoice to EZClaim is now properly copying Special Program Indicator from the patient’s profile to the claim.
    • Rate Package adjustment records weren’t exporting to EZClaim.
  • For databases with multiple offices, the office name wasn’t showing in the form title.
  • Fixed an issue with Caregiver Suggestion not detecting future schedule conflicts properly when adding a new recurring schedule.
  • Added Printing tools to the “Clients and Caregivers” and “No Caregiver” calendar tabs.
  • Added Email to Documentation menu in Payer tab of Relationships Module.
  • Copy Day/Week options on the Calendar weren’t including events where that person had been added in to the event under a different role than the one you were looking at (e.g. looking at the Office Staff calendar where this person is also a Caregiver and the events were originally added via the Caregiver).
  • Saving a Start-only E-TimeCard will now always try to see if there is an available matching End-only E-TimeCard and update them.

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