User Defined Glossary

User Defined Glossary



This group contains master lists of Cities, Provinces, etc. required for entering address information.

All Status

This section contains the lists of Statuses that may be applied to different categories of people in the system. These lists are sufficient for most offices. However, if you wish to use more detailed statuses, you can add to the list of Statuses here. Each type of person has its own independent list of statuses.

Each status has a type, which gives it its meaning to the system. There are six basic types of statuses: Potential, Assessed, Active, Inactive, Archived and Deceased. These types are not configurable. Additional Statuses of the same type may be added to help distinguish between the different Statuses you may wish to track.

EXAMPLE: For Participant, there are Active Statuses such as Job Training, Job Search Job Maintenance, etc. The system considers all of these Statuses as Inactive, but by differentiating between them, it becomes easy for users to see what Active status a Participant is in.

Only Employers and Participants with a current Active status may be put into Schedules and/or Job Details.


Create the list of Languages that are spoken by your Employers and Participants. When adding a new person or organization into the system, select the Language(s) they can speak. Knowing the languages a person can speak is essential when pairing up a Participant with an Employer. The list of Languages from which to select may differ from company to company.


Classifications provide additional ways to filter and group people in your system. A person can be assigned only one category, but they may have an unlimited number of Classifications attached. Classifications can be used to filter the list of people in the Find Area on the left-hand side of all modules in HomeTrak Companion. You can also filter on a Classification in the Participant Suggestion filter options.


Maintain a list of personal Characteristic items that you can add to Participants. When you add a new person into the system, you can choose their Characteristics (i.e. personality traits, likes and dislikes, etc.) from this list.


Maintain the list of potential Titles that you can use for people in the program (for example, Mr., Ms., Dr., Sir, etc.). A Title can be selected when editing a person’s profile in Companion.

When adding a new person to Companion, if the text entered matches an item in this Title list, the program will automatically select the text as the title on the person's profile.

EXAMPLE: When you enter Dr. John Smith, if "Dr." is in the Title list, Companion will automatically set the Title to "Dr." and the first name on the profile to "John". If "Dr." is NOT in the Title list, both words ("Dr. John") are included in the person's first name field.


You can rank the importance of a variety of items and relationships throughout HomeTrak Companion. You cannot add to this list.

Name Suffix

Maintain the list of potential Name Suffixes. A Name appears after a person’s name (for example, Jr., Sr., PhD., MD, etc.). A suffix can be selected when editing a person’s profile in Companion.

When adding a new person to Companion, if the text entered matches an item in this Name Suffix list, the program will automatically select the text as the name suffix on the person's profile.

EXAMPLE: When you enter John Smith Jr., if "Jr." is in the Name Suffix list, Companion will automatically set the Name Suffix to "Jr." and the last name on the profile to "Smith". If "Jr." is NOT in the Name Suffix list, the last word entered (in this case "Jr.") is set as the person’s last name.

Relationship Categories

These are the different types of people and organizations you can enter into Companion. The categories describe the relationship between your office and these people, or between two different people. 

Since each person or relationship can only have one category applied to it, these categories should be your primary way of grouping them.

Participant Intake


Maintain the list of items that can be added to Participants in Companion. For example, you may wish to record the type of disability, funding sources, and hobbies of the Participant

Detailed Information

Maintain a list of more detailed information branching from the Summary section, with an area for free text. Includes areas such as barriers to employment, medications, education details and more.

Preferred Districts

Maintain where the Participant is able and willing to work, this is used in the Job Matching process.

Employment History

Record and maintain past work history and experiences here.


Maintain progress and assessments of Participants using the Questions tab.


Appointment Categories

Define categories to indicate the types of Appointments in your system, such as MeetingAssessment Visit, etc. An appointment books time on the calendars of all those involved. The system will alert you to schedule conflicts if an Appointment is scheduled during the same time period as another calendar item.

EXAMPLES: A lunch appointment for yourself and a contact who is a good referral source for your company could be categorized as a Meeting, or an appointment with a Participant could be categorized as an Assessment Visit.


Define categories that indicate the types of Tasks in your system. A task serves as a reminder to complete a certain job. Although Tasks appear on the calendars of those involved, they do not book a block of time. Therefore, the system will not alert you to schedule conflicts if a Task is scheduled during the same time period as another calendar item. If you wish to book a block of time on the calendar, you must add an Appointment, not a Task.

Event Reminders

Use Event notices to send reminder notices via SMS text to the Office Staff's cell phone in advance of events involving that person.

Event notices may be configured to send a set amount of time before or after the beginning or end of an event, and may be set to send for specific categories of Tasks or Appointments, or Schedules.

You must have SMS Texting set up for your office to use this feature. (Cloud users only.)

Reminder Messages

Customize the message text of the status messages that are periodically sent out by the Companion telephony service to indicate normal operation. Determining which messages are sent and their frequency is configured under Schedule Alerting in the Agency Office Module.


Case Notes Categories

Define categories that describe the types of Case Notess in your system. Use Case Notes to record any interactions with Participants, Employers and Office Staff.

EXAMPLE: If a employer calls to report a rude participant, or that a participant provided excellent care, you can document the call to ensure the information is recorded in your system and will appear in the profiles of both the employer and the participant involved. You can run reports on case notes. The Case Notes report will assist you in many tasks, including yearly reviews and evaluations.

Required Date

Add Required Dates, such as training courses and evaluations, for clients and caregivers. 

The list of categories you define here will represent the different types of requirements your company tracks, their importance, and how or whether they expire. Required Dates can be specified as Mandatory or Optional. If a Participant or Office Staff has an incomplete or expired Mandatory required date on their profile, you will receive warnings if you try to schedule that participant.

There are three types of Required Date categories:

  • No Expiry: Enter these requirements with the date they are completed. These requirements do not expire.
  • Actual Date: Enter these requirements with the actual Certification date they are completed. These requirements expire after a length of time that is specified for the category.
  • Expiration Date: Enter these requirements with the date they actually expire, rather than the date they were completed.  

Popup Alert

Create categories for Pop-up Alerts. Pop-up alerts appear in the bottom right corner of the screen when opening a person or organization's profile. These alerts may serve as important reminders or warnings about the person or organization.

Referral Categories

A referral is a person or organization who advised someone to use the services of your company. You can add Referral Sources to both client and caregiver profiles.

Create your list of Referral categories here. Categorize your Referrals according to any criteria that make sense for your company: School, other agency, advertising, etc.


Recording the skills of Participants can be very important for scheduling. Each Participant has a set of Skills that helps them to fulfill a Job Detail for an Employer. Likewise, each Employer needs service from a Participant who has certain Skills. Skills added to a Employer’s Job Detail represent the Skills that a Participant is required to possess in order to work for this Employer. These requirements are fulfilled by matching specific Participant Skills to those required by an Employer.

Additional Image

Define categories for the Additional Images you add to profiles in Companion. The additional images section allows you to add and view images right in the software.

EXAMPLE: If a participant is certified in CPR/First Aid, you can scan the certificate onto your computer and add this image to the database through the Additional Images tool.

External Types

Define the categories for External Information linked to profiles in Companion. External Information items represent links to files and folders outside of Companion.

EXAMPLE: You have a document that contains information about a participant or employer. Once you've added a link to this document, you can launch to the file, folder or website without using Windows Explorer to locate it.

Create links only to shared files and folders that are accessible to all users. If a user does not have access to the file or folder, the link will not open on their computer.  


Incidents may be used to track formal warnings or disciplinary actions taken with your employees. Incidents are similar to Case Notes, but due to the potentially sensitive nature of the contents, Incidents are only accessible within the Human Resources Module.

Maintain your list of Incident categories and types here.

Web Intake Questions

Master list of Questions to use on Employer and Participant web application forms. For detailed configuration information, see the document Configuring Custom Forms Questions.

Interview Questions

The Interview feature in the Relationships Management Module allows you to record Employer and Participant assessment information. How to Configure Interview Questions


Page Layout

This list represents the various page layouts used by Companion’s Reporting features. While you cannot add or remove items from the list, you may edit layouts in order to adjust margins.


Define different watermarks that can be chosen when running reports. If you select a watermark when you run a report, the watermark image appears behind the report contents.


Password options for protecting generated PDF reports for emailing. For more details, see the document Password Protect a Report.



With Support's Advice

Security Level

Set up various security roles for your office staff users, to control their access to different areas of the program. Companion comes with several standard roles already configured. Security roles can be selected when editing or setting up users in the Agency Office Module, or when adding a new Office Staff person. 

If you do not assign a security role to a staff member, they will have full access to the program by default.  If you wish to allow a user full access to all parts of the program, it is best not to give that user any security role at all.

Email Server

Setup your SMTP email server information. To send emails from HomeTrak Companion, your email server connection information must be properly configured here.


You can add additional words into HomeTrak Companion’s dictionary for use with the Spell Check feature on text boxes within the program.

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