Using Data Grids

Using Data Grids

HomeTrak Companion uses powerful, flexible data grids in many parts of the program, including the Screen Reports, Schedule Review and Billing and Payroll Modules.

The data in these grids can be manipulated in many ways, through sorting, grouping and filtering.


 Adding or Removing Columns

Adding or Removing Columns

For more detailed information, see the document Add/Change the Fields Displayed on a Grid.

 Sorting Data

Sorting Data

To sort data in the grid, simply click on a column header to sort the grid based on the data in that column. By default the column will sort in ascending order; to reverse the order of the sorting, click on the column header a second time.

You can also sort on multiple columns at once. First, click on your primary sort column to sort it as desired, then hold down the Shift key and click on another column heading to add a secondary sort column.

 Grouping Data

Grouping Data

When looking at a grid with large amounts of data, it may be useful to group the data in the grid in order to sort and summarize the data based on particular values or groupings.

Dragging a column into the grouping area with cause the grid to be grouped based on the values in this column. Each unique value will become a separate grouping. Subtotals, counts or averages for any summarized columns in the grid will be reported in the group header.

NOTE: Not all grids have the grouping turned on in the default layout. If you do not see the grouping area at the top of the grid, toggle the feature under the Layout menu on the grid toolbar.

 Filtering Data

Filtering Data

For more detailed information, see the document Filter the Information in a Grid.

 Summarizing Column Data

Summarizing Column Data

To add a summary to a column in a grid, first enable custom summaries under the Layout menu on the grid toolbar.

Once column summaries are enabled, you will see a small icon on the right hand side of the column header. Click on this icon to add a summary to this column.

The following column summary options are supported:

  • Average: average value of the values in the column (numeric data only)
  • Count: simple count of records or rows displayed in the grid
  • Maximum: the largest value in the column
  • Minimum: the smallest value in the column
  • Sum: total amount of all values in the column (numeric data only)
 Formatting Column Data

Formatting Column Data

Columns containing numeric or date/time data is normally displayed using a default format, but you may optionally adjust the data format of a column in order to display a specific date format or set the number of decimal places displayed for numeric data.

To adjust the format of a column in the grid, first click in a cell in the grid to select a column, and then click the Column Format option in the Layout menu on the grid toolbar, under Advanced > Column Options.

You can then enter in the adjusted column format.

Numeric format examples:

  • #,##0 - whole number, with comma separator after the thousands position
  • #,##0.00 - fixed to 2 decimal places
  • 000000 - whole number with leading zeros as required up to six digits

Date/time formats:

  • MM - month (2 digits)
  • MMM - month (3 letter short version)
  • MMMM - month (full name)
  • DD - date (2 digits)
  • YY - year (2 digits)
  • YYYY - year (4 digits)
  • hh - hour (12 hour clock)
  • HH - hour (24 hour clock)
  • mm - minutes
  • ss - seconds
  • tt - AM or PM

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