Job Detail (Contracts)

Job Detail (Contracts)

A Job Detail (or Contract) is the job an Employer is searching to fill. You must have an active Job Detail in order to create schedules for an employer. Job Details specify the type of job they are hiring for, how long the position is to last, and the skills required for the job.

Job Details are in the under the Scheduling Setup tool for Employers in the Relationship Management Module.

Required Fields

Valid Range

Choose the dates you want the job to begin and end.

Unless you specify otherwise, the start date will default to the current date and the end date will be set based on the "Authorization Length" value in Date and Time Settings in the Agency Office Module.

Rate Package

Rate Package will automatically default to "Hourly Default" Leave this as is.

Job Desc (NOC Code)

The Job Description is a drop down list of NOC (National Occupational Classifications) for Canada. Choose which NOC is appropriate for the specific Job Detail. You must choose a NOC Code in order to create the schedule.

Hour Code

Hour Code will automatically default to "Only Payroll, No Billing", Leave this as is.


On the bottom right hand side is a blue tool box, this represents Skills. Use this list to choose th Skills required by the Participant in order to sufficiently fill this Job Detail. This is utilized in the Participant Suggestion.

Optional Fields

Max Hours

Enter how many hours of work per specific time period will be allowed on this Job Detail.

Populating this field will allow you to track which participants are over- or under-scheduled, and Warnings will be generated when

Additional Description

Short additional marker text to include in the drop down list pattern when choosing Job Detail in a Schedule.




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