Print the Big Picture Report

Print the Big Picture Report

In any Calendar Module, you can generate a Big Picture Report for all persons listed in the Result portion of the Find Area.

There are many options to choose from printing the Big Picture Report:

  •  With or without Cancelled Schedules included
  •  Printing the Big Picture Report while in the Participant Calendar Module will generate the report by participants
  •  Printing the Big Picture Report while in the Employer Calendar Module will generate the report by employers
  •  Big Picture - Employers with Schedules Missing a Participant option shows only clients who have schedules in the 7 day range that have no participant assigned. It will display only employer schedules that are missing a participant. This option is available only when printing from the Employer Calendar Module.

To Generate a Big Picture Report:

  • Go to a Calendar Module and select the date on the calendar for the beginning of the report range.
    NOTE: The Big Picture Report is generated for 7 days beginning with the date selected on the calendar.
  • Click on the Print drop down tool on the Calendar toolbar.
    Click the format option you want to use for the Big Picture Report.
    The report will appear on the screen in PDF format.
  • Print or Save the report as needed.


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