What do The Error Messages mean?

What do The Error Messages mean?

Job Detail
Job Detail Invalid for Selected DateThe date of the schedule falls outside the start and end dates of the job detail. An active job detail must be selected to save the schedule.
No Job Detail SelectedNo Contract (Job Detail) has been selected. An active Job Detail must be selected to save the schedule.
Over Authorized HoursThe employer has been scheduled more than the maximum hours authorized for this period.
Participant Not ActiveThe participant does not have an Active status at the time of the schedule. The participant must be active to save the schedule.
Participant Not Available at this Time on this DOWThe participant is not available to work at this time on this day of week. (Day-specific availability)
Participant Not Available on this DateThe participant is not available to work on this specific date or time. (Date-Specific availability)
Participant Not Available on this DOWThe participant is not available to work on this day of week. (Working Days availability)
Participant Over-ScheduledThe participant has been scheduled more than the maximum hours per week on their profile.
Participant Schedule ConflictThis schedule overlaps another schedule for the selected participant.
Expired Mandatory Required DatesOne or more mandatory required dates on the participant's profile are expired.
Insufficient SkillsThe participant does not possess one or more Skills required by the Contract (Job Detail).
No Participant SelectedNo participant has been selected.
Employer Not ActiveThe employer does not have an Active status at the time of the schedule. The Employer must be active to save a schedule.
Employer Not Available at this Time on this DOWThe employer is not available at this time on this day of week. (Day-specific availability)
Employer Not Available on this DateThe employer is not available on this specific date or time. (Date-Specific availability)
Employer Not Available on this DOWThe employer is not available on this day of week. (Working Days availability)
No Employer SelectedNo employer has been selected. A employer must be selected to save the schedule.

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