View Schedules Missing a Participant
When reviewing upcoming Employer schedules, it is important to make sure any open (missing a participant) schedules are addressed to ensure that the employer receives service. Companion offers several easy tools to quickly find and address any schedules that are missing a participant. Schedulers should regularly check for these schedules to make sure that they are filled in a timely manner.
Schedule Review Module
In the Schedule Review tab in the Schedule Review Module, first make sure that the selected Scenario in the people filter area is 'All Employers and Agency Office'.
In the Schedule filter area, select the desired date range to review.
Under the Scenarios menu in the Schedule filter area, select the 'Missing a Participant' scenario.
Click on 'View Data' on the grid toolbar to load the schedule information in the grid.
No Participant Calendar
From the Main Module, click on the 'Schedules - No Participant' tool in the "My Tabs" dropdown menu on the ribbon.
This will display a calendar of all schedules for the office that have no participant assigned.
Employer Calendar/Relationships Management Module
Under the Scenarios menu in the Employer tab of the module, select one of the "No " scenarios. (e.g. This Week and Next)
This will limit the list of Employers to those having at least one schedule in the selected time frame.
You can then view each Employer's full calendar individually.