View People with Missing Information

View People with Missing Information

You can use the Screen Reports Module to validate that your employers and participants are not missing important required information on their profiles. Some demographic information can be verified by looking for blank values in the Demographics screen report. Other missing items may be found by using the grid feature "Show missing information", which allows you to see those people that have no items of a particular category attached to them.

The "Show missing information" feature is available on the following grids in the Screen Reports Module:

  • Status
  • Communication
  • Required Dates
  • Skills
  • Qualifications
  • External IDs
  • Extra Information

To use this feature on one of these grids, filter or select the people for whom you wish to view data, then click the Missing button on the grid toolbar. This loads a grid in a new window listing all of the people and the categories of items they are missing. This grid can be sorted, grouped and filtered like any other grid in Companion, so you can easily see all of the people for a particular missing category. 

This grid indicates information missing only for the people who are showing or selected in the Result area on the left side of the Screen Reports Module. (The people you see in the Missing Information grid are the same people for whom you would see data in the original grid.)



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