Client Inquiries/Caregiver Applications Glossary

Client Inquiries/Caregiver Applications Glossary

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Modification History

View modification History of all of the changes that have been made to this inquiry/application.

Home Tab

Make Potential

Add this Client to the Client Module or Caregiver to the Caregiver Module with a status of Potential. The status date will default to the current date and time. (You can add only one Potential status in this way.)

All supplied demographic information will be applied to the new person's profile, and any attached data from the web application form will be copied to the new profile.

If there is any information supplied in the "Person Calling if Not Above Client/Caregiver" section, that person will be added as an attached Individual to the new profile.

Data from Web

Attached information entered from the online Application form.


Languages spoken.

(Clients and Caregivers)


Skills required by the potential client or possessed by the potential caregiver.

Required Date

Certifications and expiry dates.

(Caregivers only)

Web Intake Questions

Responses to web intake form questions.

After Client is Potential

Attach information to the Client record or create schedules based on the Inquiry Service tab.

(Client Inquiries only. This section will be hidden when looking at a Caregiver Application.)

Make Assessed

Add this Client to the Client Module with a status of Assessed. The status date will default to the current date and time. If the Client has not yet been added with a Potential status, you will be prompted to add that status first. (You can add only one Assessed status to a Client in this way.)

Make Active

Add this Client to the Client Module with a status of Active. The status date will default to the current date and time. If the Client has not yet been added with a Potential or Assessed status, you will be prompted to add those statuses first. (You can add only one Active status to a Client in this way.)

Edit Profile

Edit the Client’s Profile. (In order to use this tool, the client must already be added to the Client Module using the tool(s) on the Home Tab described above.)

Edit Contact

Edit the profile of the Client’s contact individual. (In order to use this tool, the client must already be added to the Client Module using the tool(s) on the Home Tab described above.)


Edit the Client’s referral source. If no referral source is currently attached to the client in the Client Module, you will be prompted to add one. (In order to use this tool, the client must already be added to the Client Module using the tool(s) on the Home Tab described above.)


Add a task to the Client’s calendar. (In order to use this tool, the client must already be added to the Client Module using the tool(s) on the Home Tab described above.)


Add an appointment to the Client’s calendar. (In order to use this tool, the client must already be added to the Client Module using the tool(s) on the Home Tab described above.)

Create Bill Rate for Client

Create a Bill Rate for the Client using the Rate Type, Call Type and Rate information specified in the Service section of the Client Inquiry Form.

If you have selected a Third-Party Payer in the Service information section of the Client Inquiry Form, you cannot add bill rates to the payer using this tool. Bill Rates must be added to the Third-Party Payer in the Payer Module.

The Client must be added to the Client Module as Active to use this tool.

Create Authorization

Create an Authorization on the Client using the Payer, Rate Type and Call Type information specified in the Service section of the Client Inquiry Form.

The Client must be added to the Client Module as Active to use this tool.

Create Recurring Schedules

Create a Recurring Schedule using the Client’s Authorization and the Day and Time information specified in the Service section of the Client Inquiry Form. The recurring schedules will be created on a weekly basis, on the days selected in the Service Days list. The schedules will be created using the specified Preferred Time. If a Preferred Caregiver is specified, that caregiver will be selected as the caregiver for the recurring schedule. If no Preferred Caregiver is specified, then the recurring schedule will be created without a caregiver.

The Client must be added to the Client Module as Active and an Authorization created in order to use this tool.

Generate Report

Print a report detailing the information for this inquiry/application.

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