EzClaim Premier - Detailed Export Information

EzClaim Premier - Detailed Export Information

For information on how to perform the initial configuration for EzClaim Premier please read EZClaim Premier Setup

For information on how to configure HomeTrak Companion's EzClaim Premier interface please refer to EZClaim Interface Setup

The HomeTrak EzClaim Premier interface is designed to export your Invoices from HomeTrak Companion as Claims for EzClaim Premier.

Claims are created in EzClaim Premier based on the Client on each invoice exported. The Payer of the invoice will be assigned as the Payer of the Claim in EzClaim Premier.

It is imperative that the One Invoice Per Client setting is enabled for your Payers in HomeTrak that you plan on using with EzClaim Premier. This setting ensures that a single invoice contains only a single client's billing data. This setting can be found under your Payer's Billing Options.

What is Exported

Name, Birth Date, Address, Home Phone, Cell, Email, Sex, SSN, Health Number.

The first time a Client is imported as a Patient to EzClaim Premier, we will also populate the Primary Insured section of the Patient's profile. The Payer in this section will be set to the Payer of the Client's first invoice that was exported from HomeTrak.

A claim generally maps one-to-one with an invoice in HomeTrak Companion. If an invoice contains billings for multiple Contracts (Authorizations) and those Contracts contain different Claim Info values, a claim will be created for each distinct Claim Info contained on that Invoice.

Claim Data
Bill To: Set to the Payer of the Invoice in HomeTrak. If the Payer does not exist in EzClaim Premier, it will be added to the Payer library.
Prior Auth #: Set to the Claim Info value in HomeTrak.
Insured's ID Number: Set to the Health Num field in HomeTrak.
Date of Current: the earliest date of billings contained on the given invoice.
Diagnosis Codes: Inferred based on the Call Types included on the given invoice. These mappings are defined in the EzClaim settings in HomeTrak. If a Diagnosis Code is not set in HomeTrak on the CallType, the Patient's Diagnosis Codes in EzClaim will be used instead. Then each Service Line Diag # field will be set to '1'. This allows you to have a different Diagnosis Codes on a per-Patient basis instead of one static Diagnosis Code for all the CallType.

Claim Information
Original Bill Date: Invoice date from HomeTrak.
Invoice #: Invoice Number from HomeTrak.
ICD Indicator: Defaults to ICD-10.

Printing Options
Totals on Last Page: Inferred from EzClaim settings in HomeTrak.

Service Lines
Srvc Date: Date from Billing record from HomeTrak.
Place: Mapped from Call Type, defined in HomeTrak.
Procedure: Mapped from Call Type, defined in HomeTrak.
Diag #: Mapped from Call Type, defined in HomeTrak,
Charges: Billing dollars from HomeTrak.
Units: Billing hours (or units) from HomeTrak.

If a billing record in HomeTrak contains both Regular Time and Overtime, it will be split into two Service Lines in EzClaim.

Populating Provider information on your Claims

HomeTrak does not track or export the Billing Provider, Rendering Provider, Service Facility, or Referring Provider information. This will have to be set manually for each Patient in EzClaim Premier and their claims updated after they've been exported. This only needs to be performed once when a patient first added to EzClaim Premier from HomeTrak.

  1. Select the required Billing Provider, Rendering Provider, Service Facility, and Referring Provider values for your Patient in EzClaim Premier.
  2. Click the *Update Claims* button on the Patient's profile.
  3. Choose the claims you wish to update and click the checkbox to update the "Physician / Facility Entries" on your claims.

EzClaim Premier can identify claims that are missing Billing Providers, or other required data, by using the 'Check for Errors' function under 'Send Claims' in EzClaim Premier.

Re-exporting an Invoice from HomeTrak to EzClaim Premier

From the *Invoices and Export* screen in HomeTrak, double click on the invoice you would like to re-export and change the *EzClaim Status* to "Export Pending". HomeTrak will then allow that invoice to be exported through an EzClaim interface.

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