Edit a Profile

Edit a Profile

Often you will be required to make changes to a person's profile to add or change items such as phone numbers, email addresses, or classifications, or change a person's address.

To edit a person's profile, open the appropriate module for the type of person (e.g. to edit a Participants's profile, open the Participant Module) and click on the Homepage button. This will open a set of tabs in the main display area and the Profile tab should be selected by default. (If the Profile screen is not showing, click on the Profile tab to bring it in view.)

To make changes to the person's address or demographic information, click on the Edit button on the toolbar.

Make any required changes and then save.

Communication items (including phone numbers, email, etc.), Status, Classifications, Languages and any external program interface ID values can be edited on the side panels on the right hand side of the screen.

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