Setup the Intake

Setup the Intake

The Participants Intake notes important information about the Participant.  This information is used to track disability information, funding sources, jobs interested in, hobbies, etc, and is utilized mainly for reporting purposes.  Every piece of information that is entered into the Intake can be reported on.

All Intake information is entered in one location in the Participant Module using the Intake tool, under Documentation . This tool contains tabs for the various types of informational items that can be added to the Intake. (These items are also available under the Items drop down menu tool on the ribbon.) The Intake allows you to easily enter and maintain a Participants's complete Intake in one screen. The Intake is both narrative and specific detail oriented, with the Detailed Information tab designated for narrative or informational items, while the Summary is specific details.  It is important that you fill in EVERY option of the pick list within the Summary section, you will note that there will always be a "n/a" or "none" choice available.  This is to ensure accuracy of the robust reporting features that are available in Companion. 

Below is a glossary that describes each of the tabs available for you to use when creating an Intake.

The Intake allows you to add/edit/delete the following information:

The participant's profile information includes any demographic information about them. Including phone number, address etc.

This is a pick list which consists of the main details that pertain to the Participant. Including; disability type, funding sources, level of education, jobs interested in, transportation requirements etc. These items are important for Office Staff to be aware of regarding the Participant, and they are also utilized in higher level reporting

Detailed Information

These are descriptive items attached to the Participant. This section has a text field under each category that you are to utilize in order to provide greater details. This is where you will document additional information about their disability, medication, any equipment they may use, allergies, etc. These categories can be changed within the User Defined area.


Preferred Districts

This is an important area to fill out in order to match Jobs with the proper Participants. Preferred Districts indicates which areas (Districts) a Participant is willing and able to work. This area is used in the Job Matching tool in order to properly match Participants with jobs within their Preferred District.


Employment History
This is where all Employment History will be documented, including summer employment, paid employment, school co-op and volunteer positions.
This is an assessment tool. You are able to document questions asked of the Participant at various intervals throughout their process in your agency. For example, ask them questions before they go into Job Training, and then again, ask the same questions after Job Training to see how they have improved. You are able to edit/change the questions within User Defined.




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