Create a Form 485

Create a Form 485

Use the Form 485 tool to populate information for the US Medicare Form 485 for a Client:

  1. Select the Client in the Client Module.
  2. Click the Documentation tool on the ribbon and select Form 485
  3. Click Add to open the Treatment screen.
  4. Enter the appropriate information for the Client
  5. Click Save.

Addendums: When populating information in a Form 485 document, you may add as many Addendums as you wish. These Addendums are entered in the same format as Notes elsewhere in Companion and will be printed as additional pages on the report.

Medications: When adding Medications to a Form 485 document, you will select/add medications from a different list than those that are populated in the Medications area of the Health option in your User Defined Information.

ICD-9-CM Codes: When adding ICD-9-CM codes to a Form 485 document, you will select/add ICD9 Codes from the same list of codes populated in the ICD9 area of the Health option in your User Defined Information.

Generate Form 485 for a Client by clicking the Printer tool in the upper right corner of the Client Module screen. Select Form 485 from the dropdown menu.

You may also print Form 485 for multiple clients by going to Printed Reports Module / Client tab / Form 485


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