Rate Packages

Rate Packages

Rate Packages are used on Authorizations to determine what Rate Types are used for calculating Billing and Payroll for the Schedule(s). You can also customize your Rate Packages to bill and pay different methods (for example, bill a Per Visit rate but pay Hourly).

When creating an hourly rate package you can use adjustments to create a tiered rate package. For example, you can create a rate package to bill an extra dollar per hour for short shifts under 2 hours in length. (Adjustments can only be applied to Hourly rate types.)

Rate packages are configured in the User Defined Information Module, under the "With Support's Advice" dropdown in the quick access tools above the File menu.


DescriptionThe name for this rate package.
Billing Rate TypeThe Rate Type to use when calculating billing records.
Payroll Rate TypeThe Rate Type to use when calculating payroll records.
ImageAn icon to represent the rate package.
What are the standard hours for this package?

The normal minimum and maximum hour length of a schedule associated with this rate package. A finalized schedule length that falls within these parameters is considered standard length. Schedules will a length outside the standard range may be subject to warnings during scheduling or rate adjustments in billing or payroll.

The standard range is inclusive (that is, a schedule length that falls exactly on the edge of the standard range will be considered as falling within the standard hours).

What are the rate adjustments if the finalized hours are below the standard hours?

Specify adjustments to apply to billing or payroll rates when the length of the schedule falls below the standard hours range.

Note that the adjustments represent the difference in the rates applied when the hours are outside of the standard range. For example, a bill or pay adjustment of 1.0 represents an additional $1/hour that will be applied when calculating adjustments in billing or payroll.

Adjustments may also be negative, in order to reduce a rate when the hours fall outside the standard range.

What are the rate adjustments if the finalized hours are above the standard hours?Specify adjustments to apply to billing or payroll rates when the length of the schedule exceeds the standard hours range.
Bill adjustment type

How adjustments will be applied when calculating billing.

The following adjustment types are available, for billing and payroll:


Create adjustment record for final range

(Default Option)

The entire schedule will be calculated at the regular rate. A separate adjustment record will be added for the hours outside of the standard range based on what range the final length of the schedule falls into.

If the hours are below the standard range: the proper adjustment for hours below will be applied.

If the hours are within the standard range: no adjustment is applied.

If the hours are above the standard range: only the hours above the standard range will be adjusted.

Apply adjusted rate to entire scheduleThe adjustment will be added to the regular hourly rate based on what range the schedule's hours fall into and the entire schedule calculated at the adjusted rate.
Pay adjustment type

How adjustments will be applied when calculating payroll. (See above)

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