Add, Edit or Delete an Item

Add, Edit or Delete an Item





Add an Item

  • In the appropriate module, select the tool in the the Ribbon for the item you wish to add.  
  • All of the current items will be displayed  in the Main Display Portion of the screen.
  • Click the Add button on the toolbar.
  • A window will open asking for specific information on the new item.  Enter the information or make selections from drop down menus, depending on what is being added.  When finished entering the necessary information, click Save and the new item will appear in the Main Display Portion of the screen.

If you decide not to add the item anytime throughout the process, click Cancel and the item will not be added.


Edit an Item

  • In the appropriate module, select the tool in the the Ribbon for the item you want to edit.
  • All of the current items will be displayed in the Main Display Portion of the screen.
  • Select the item you wish to edit.
  • Click the Edit button on the toolbar.
  • Make the necessary changes to the item and click Save.
  • The Main Display Portion of the screen displays the item and will reflect the changes made to the item. 

If you decide not to edit the item anytime throughout the process, click Cancel and the item will not be edited.


Delete an Item

  • In the appropriate module, select the tool in the the Ribbon for the item you want to delete.
  • All of the current items will be displayed in the Main Display Portion of the screen.
  • Select the item you wish to delete.
  • Click the Delete button on the toolbar.
  • A prompt will question if you are sure you want to delete.  In most cases you want to click Yes.   If you do NOT want to delete the item, click No.
  • You will be returned to the Main Display Portion of the screen and the item will no longer exist.  

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