Generic Find Area

Generic Find Area


Shows the Scenario selected


The Scenarios menu allows you to select a pre-filtered group of people or organizations (called a Scenario) as a basis through which to continue filtering. Click to select a Scenario. Only people or organization that belong in the Scenario selected are displayed in the Results section.


The Manage Items menu contains a variety of tools and options allowing you to manipulate and group items in the Results section


Use this drop down menu to select the type of Information to search by: Name, ID, Communication information (e.g. phone number, email address, etc.), address or SSN.  The Search option will simultaneously search Name, City, State, Street Address, Rank, Organization and Category for whatever information is entered in the Filter Box. The Search Relationships option will search any established Relationships added to the people or organizations in the Module. 


Use the Filter Box to type in specific known information about an individual or organization in order to find them. (Using this option will restrict the results to show only people or organizations matching the information entered in the Filter Box.)


Narrow your search using the Advanced Filter options to display people or organizations based on selected Statuses, Categories, Address (Cities), Districts, Classifications, Ranks or Managers. Multiple Advanced Filter options can be used simultaneously to narrow the search even further.  If the Advanced Filter box contains a checkmark, it indicates that you are filtering by at least one of the Advanced Filter options. Click the blue Disk tool in the upper right corner of the Advanced Filter screen to save your Advanced Filter options.  


The Selected Result Section displays basic information about the person or organization selected in the Result Section.


The Result area displays all of the people or organizations that meet the selected filter criteria.  


Button to add new people or organizations.

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