Viewing and Editing Schedule Information with the App

Viewing and Editing Schedule Information with the App

Viewing, Adding or Editing Schedules

Schedules are added from a person's calendar. To access a specific person's calendar, use the Search button on the main screen to find and select the desired person. (See also /wiki/spaces/HCV5/pages/9699350.) On the person’s profile screen, tap on the calendar icon at the top right of the screen to open their calendar.

Schedules on the calendar can be viewed in a weekly or daily view, or as a simple list of the events on a single day. A month view is also available that will show a mark on any day that contains events. Tap on a day on the calendar to open the list of that day's events.

To view or edit any existing schedule, tap on the schedule in the list or calendar view to open the event edit screen.

To add a new schedule, select the appropriate day on the calendar, and tap on the menu icon at the top right of the screen. Select the "Add Schedule" menu option to create a new schedule.

When you have completed making all desired changes to the schedule, tap on the Save icon at the top right of the event edit screen to save the schedule changes. Then tap on the back button at the top left to return to the calendar. To cancel changes, tap on the back button without tapping save. If you cancel adding a new schedule that has not yet been saved, the schedule is removed.

Clients and Authorizations

If you add the schedule from a Client's calendar, the Client will be automatically selected in the new schedule. If the schedule is added from a Caregiver's calendar, the Caregiver will be automatically selected, and the Client field will be blank.

To select or change the Client in the schedule, tap on the Client field and select the Client from the search window that appears. When a Client is selected, their primary address will be automatically selected in the location field. If the Client has only a single authorization that is valid for the date of the new schedule, that authorization will be automatically selected in the authorization field. If the Client has multiple valid authorizations, then the desired authorization must be selected by tapping on the authorization field.

Selecting or Changing a Caregiver on a Schedule

If you know the caregiver who you wish to assign to the schedule, assigning the caregiver is as simple as tapping on the caregiver field on the screen in order to bring up a search window in which you can select the caregiver. Once you select a caregiver, that caregiver is made the active caregiver in the schedule. If the schedule already had a caregiver, the existing caregiver will be replaced by the new selection.

If you need to find a caregiver for this schedule but you are unsure which caregivers are available, you can use Caregiver Suggestion to find an appropriate caregiver. Tap on the dropdown menu to the right of the caregiver field and select Caregiver Suggestion from the menu. The Caregiver Suggestion will display a list of qualified caregivers who are available for this schedule. Select the best match and tap OK to add the caregiver to the schedule.

To remove a caregiver from a schedule without replacing that caregiver, tap on the drop down menu to the right of the caregiver field and tap Remove Caregiver.

Location and Mapping Features

By default, the schedule location is the client's primary address. If however, the client has one or more secondary addresses specified on their profile in Companion, you may change the location of the schedule to any of the client's locations. Tap on the Location field to choose from the client's available addresses.

The app contains several mapping features for locating the client's address. These require the Google Maps app to display maps and directions. Tap on the drop down menu to the right of the location field to access options to show the schedule location on the map, display driving directions from the currently selected caregiver's home or primary address to the client's location, or driving directions from the office to the client's location.

Warnings and Errors

Warnings and Errors are calculated in real time when you change schedule information (start/end times, authorization, or caregiver). If the schedule has warnings, a warning icon will appear at the bottom of the screen. You can tap on this icon to view the schedule warnings. You can also view the warnings and errors by tapping on the information icon at the top right corner of the schedule edit screen, and selecting Warnings and Errors from the drop down list.

Attaching Additional Information to a Schedule

To add additional information items to a schedule, such as Notes, Attributes, etc., tap on the information icon at the top right.

Changing a Schedule's Status

An event may have one of the four following possible statuses:

  • Open - the default status for a schedule
  • Office Alert - a status to indicate this schedule requires attention or follow-up by an office staff person
  • Cancelled - schedule is cancelled
  • Completed - indicates billing and payroll are both completely processed for this schedule. Schedules should never be manually set to Completed or billing and payroll may not be properly processed for the schedule.

To change the status on the schedule, edit the event and tap on the menu icon at the top right of the event edit screen. Tap on the "Edit Status" menu item and select the desired status.

Deleting Schedules

To delete a schedule, edit the event and tap on the menu icon at the top right of the event edit screen. Tap on the "Delete Event" menu item to delete the event.

Note: It is recommended practice to set an existing event's status to "Cancelled" instead of deleting the event. Events should be deleted only if they were added in error. Note that the app will only allow you to delete events that were added recently by you; you cannot delete events using the app that were create by other users.

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