HomeTrak Companion v5.3 Release Notes

HomeTrak Companion v5.3 Release Notes

This document contains information regarding changes made to the HomeTrak Companion software from one release to another.
Software Release Date:  March, 2015. 

Please note that this document contains the release notes for v5.3, 5.2 as well as the pre-release v5.0.

Version 5.3.2 (Service Release)

Software Release Date: April 9, 2015

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a session error that would come up when switching between multiple databases in the system registry. (cloud users)
  • When exporting payroll to QuickBooks, if the only exceptions for a caregiver were for a missing overtime rate, the export would be marked as Successful instead of Successful with Exceptions.
  • Fixed an error on editing the Invoice Terms master list.
  • If you change the end date of an authorization, the current selected payer may be changed.
  • Start times of events created via the Pre-Defined Events Pattern (Quick Add Events) were not getting set correctly.

Version 5.3.1 (Service Release)

Software Release Date: March 5, 2015

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a case where the Actual Hours field could sometimes be read only at the wrong time when editing schedules in Daily Schedules.
  • Fixed an error that could occur with displaying the Quick Add Authorization screen after declining to add a new Active status to a client that has never had one. 
  • Minor design adjustment to the Form 485 screen for smaller screens.
  • Fixed an error when adding the first automatic task or appointment
  • Only show 'No Clock-In' icons for schedules with a telephony status set. (Don’t treat schedules with no status as ‘No Clock-In’ – prevents unnecessary icons from showing on calendars for users not using telephony.)
  • If you have a database with multiple offices, and attach the same payer to each office, when editing an authorization the list of call types to select would be based only on the payer's billing rates that were added from the current office.

Version (Service Release)

Software Release Date: February 18, 2015

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an error that could occur when generating a Pending SMS text message from Caregiver Suggestion.
  • Recognition that an entered name already exists when adding a new person has been restored.
  • Fixed a performance issue with calculating billing and payroll.
  • Fixed security issue with Add/Edit/Delete of some Relationships.
  • Fixed a security issue with being able to add new items to the User Defined master list for Home/Health Evaluation items from the Care Plan Intake tool.
  • When viewing grids in a pop-up window (i.e. ‘Display as Grid’ feature on all lists), the Print buttons didn’t work.
  • Pasting new “Unavailable” Schedules over multiple days was not necessarily removing caregivers from all conflicted schedules. Also reduced the number of messages shown for the conflicting schedules.
  • Fixed an error that would periodically show up related to trying to display a pop-up alert message about caregivers that have not clocked in. (Telephony Alert users only)
  • Fixed an error with editing Pop-up Alerts. (Cloud Only)
  • Fixed an error on the tool to add people to a Task/Appointment from the primary person’s list of relationships. (Cloud Only)
  • Fixed a refresh error in the Events list under the Scheduling menu in the various modules that would cause the list to reload with only events of the same type after adding a new event.

Version 5.3

Software Release Date: February 2015

New Features

  • New web-based Help system.


  • Form 485 report automatically creates Addendum pages when information in boxes 10 (Medications), 21 (Orders), or 22 (Goals) overflows the available space on the form.
  • When new Form 485 record is added, the “To” date now defaults to 60 days out.
  • Phone extensions available on Add New Person screen.
  • Support for Payroll Export to Paycor using the ADP Pay eXpert interface settings.
  • Authorization quick add:
    • Now lists only the call types for which the selected payer has rates, if the payer has any rates. If the payer has no rates, the whole list of “Active” call types is shown.
    • No longer adds a new bill rate unless a value is explicitly entered.
    • Maximum hours can now be specified up to two decimal places in the quick add, matching the standard Authorization edit.

Bug Fixes

  •  Fixed an internal system security issue that was rejecting certain data updates that included the text “sys.” as a protection against malicious “SQL Injection” hacks. This caused an issue for a user whose email address ended in “*sys.com”. (cloud only).
  • When printing calendars, this could apply a password to the generated calendar based on saved/last run settings of emailing PDF calendars. Made sure that the password field is no longer disabled so that the password option can always be selected/un-selected when printing or emailing calendars.
  • Fixed an issue with dynamic passwords not working properly only when printing or previewing a calendar on screen. (Was not an issue with actually emailing calendars or reports.) 
  • Fixed an issue with adding a message using the toolbar Add button in the main Mobile Messaging Module wasn’t actually sending an SMS text when it should. All other chat/messaging options were working.
  • When sending out pending caregiver information via SMS text, no longer includes “Call IVR to accept” in message if IVR is not configured for accepting Pending schedules. 

The following information pertains to changes made to the HomeTrak Companion v5.2 software.

Version 5.2.1 (Service Release)

  • Fixed a performance issue calculating Billing and Payroll.
  • When sending out pending caregiver information via SMS text, no longer includes “Call IVR to accept” in the message if the IVR is not configured for accepting Pending schedules.
  • Fixed an issue with saving the wrong possible payer ID in a new authorization. (In many cases this wouldn’t result in a noticeable issue.)

Version 5.2

New Features

  • Cloud Features
    • Client Signatures
  • Ability to specify for each rate type how multiple shifts are handled.
  • Option in Overtime settings to calculate new records into a week with previously posted records as if those records had occurred after the existing records, in order for total overtime hours for the week to workout correctly.
  • Ability to disable program features completes.


  • Remove columns from grids and put them into the column chooser.

  • Removed buttons from edit profile as they are now redundant.
  • Theme changes to better show new toolbar system.
  • Removed method from referral system.
  • Changed Tab system in Schedule review. Rename un-Finalized tab to 'Ready for Billing and Payroll'.
  • Management report button has been changed to Analysis Reporting.
  • Reorganization of Module ribbons to better group and categorize options.
    • Option under 'Visual' in Main Module to switch between the new 'Version 5' style and the previous 'Version 4' organization style for existing users.
    • Tabbed interfaces throughout to show multiple important areas of information under a single ribbon tool similar to Care Plan Intake.
    • Combined Relationships into one tool that shows all relationships.
    • Combined Tasks, Appointments and Schedules into one tool.
    • Calendars within all Person/Organization management modules.
  • New screens for adding people.
  • Calendars:
    • Copy entire Day, Week options on calendars.
  • Authorization ease of use streamlining:
    • New Quick Add wizard.
    • Max authorized hours by Authorization option.
    • When adding/editing Authorization, can choose from all thrid-party payers in the system, and will automatically add that into the Possible Payer relationships for the client.
    • If the Client's Billing Options have a send-to-override, it will show that name in brackets when choosing the Client as the Payer on the Authorization.
    • When selecting the Authorization on a schedule, it now has a single dropdown to choose the Payer/Authorization instead of requiring the user to choose the Payer first and then the Authorization.
  • Filter options added to toolbars for certain list views in modules:
    • Filter option on List View toolbar to show All or Active Only Authorizations.
    • Filter option on List View toolbar to show All or Active Only Relationships.
    • Filter option on List View toolbar to show All or Active Only Recurring Events.
    • Filter option on List View toolbar to show Events and Documented Events by time range (Current, Last Year, etc.)
  • Status, Classifications embedded in Profile edit screen.
  • Improved screens for chatting/SMS texting.
  • Option in Quickbooks interface setup to use Send-To Override information when exporting or updating a Client's billing address in Quickbooks.
  • Exporting address information to QuickBooks now includes the proper unit type (eg. Apartment, Suite, etc.) instead of just "Unit".
  • Added hours to subtotal lines for each Caregiver in the Consolidated [Payroll] by Caregiver / Rate report, as well as each Payer in the Consolidated [Billing] by Payer / Client / Rate report.
  • New tool on grid toolbar and context menu in Open E-TimeCards to quickly cancel an E-TimeCard.
  • Cleaned up default layouts and columns in most Screen Reports/Flex Grids. (Any columns no longer shown by default are still available as optional columns in the Column Chooser.)
  • New options in context menu in Office Staff Calendar to create Tasks/Appointments for the selected office staff person to perform or for someone else, rather than the currently logged in office staff performing for the selected person (as defaults on all calendars).
  • New option to quickly copy address information from the primary person or organization to which a contact or individual is attached.
  • Mass Update: Add preferred District to Caregivers.
  • Time for duties to perform - ability to specify a default length of time for a duty, and set the length of a schedule based on the time of the duties to perform on the Client's care plan.
  • Added ability to select a third external Billing export package.

Bug Fixes

  • The Settle/Hour Code (Billing and Payroll) field wasn't refreshing properly when changing between Authorizations selected on a schedule.
  • Notes entered in Client Inquiry were copied over as plain text but with extra RTF formatting characters in the content when the Inquiry was made into a Potential client.
  • Fixed an issue with creating a schedule from an open E-TimeCard where the E-TimeCard had no call type selected.
  • Apartment number on a send-to or address override wasn't being included on the QuickBooks invoice when exporting billing to Quickbooks.
  • Running the Billing Report for very large amounts of data (tens of thousands of records) could run out of resources and fail to generate properly. Re-worked to be more efficient and handle billing data better. Handles much more data now, and better performance.
  • Selection of alternate name formats when running Billing or Payroll Reports wasn't working.
  • Selection of alternate name formats when running Weekly Schedules Report for Client or Caregiver wasn't working.
  • Reduced number of messages when creating or copying Unavailable schedules over multiple days.
  • Fixed an issue with the predictive search results when typing a person's name into a field sometimes not returning all of the matching people.
  • "Generate Report" on email screen wasn't showing the actual email addresses on the report.
  • Event and Documented Event flex grids in Screen Reports module didn't include column for hours.
  • Fixed a security hole where "View" security could be bypassed in a few places where a list of items can be displayed without clicking on a ribbon tool. Add/Edit/Delete security was still being properly, but added in a block to stop the list from showing at all if no matching "View" security in the current Security Level.
  • Missing part of the standard side detail panel on Recurring Schedules tool.
  • Added date filter to Security Session flex grid.

The following information pertains to changes made to the HomeTrak Companion v5.0 software.

Version 5.0.4 (Service Release)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a potential error with sending SMS texts.
  • SMS texts sent via the Pending Caregiver feature with Caregiver Suggestion no longer include "Call the IVR to Accept" verbage if this feature is not enabled in the IVR settings.

Version 5.0.3 (Service Release)

Bug Fixes

  • Performance fixes in Calculate Billing/Payroll when checking for schedules outside the current batch date range.
  • Performance fix in Post Billing/Payroll.
  • Ability to use dynamic passwords in PDF Reports (including calendars and automated reports).

Version 5.0.2 (Service Release)

Bug Fixes

  • Improved handling of SMS messaging/chatting.
  • Improved SMS Chat screen design.
  • Fixed an issue with searching for existing people when typing a name into the name field when adding a new person that could in certain situations prevent some people from being displayed as a match.

Version 5.0.1 (Service Release)

Bug Fixes

  • Trying to delete an item from User-Defined that is used somewhere else gives better error messages now on the Cloud.
  • Delete wasn't working from within a grid.
  • Fixed an error where a schedule couldn't be created from an e-TimeCard where there was no call type in the e-TimeCard and the client had multiple authorizations.
  • Removed a section of code from saving Duties to Perform in the User Defined master list that updates telephony information for all of the task codes. This could take some time and be an inconvenience for users with many different Duties to Perform.

Version 5.0 (Pre-Release)

New Features

  • Cloud Features:
    • IVR Support for Caregivers to listen to and accept available schedules using the phone (via Pending Caregivers feature)
    • SMS Texting Chat
    • Caregiver Event Reminders (via SMS text)
    • Ability to alert Caregivers about missing clock-in using telephony alerting (via SMS text)
    • Caregiver and Client Web Application support
  • Caregiver Applications tool (analogous to Client Inquiries) *In Human Resources Module
  • Bulk add extra charges in Daily Schedules
  • Tools to see Bill and Pay rates from schedule edit screen
  • Tool in Client Calendar to see all schedules without a Caregiver on a single calendar.
  • Management Reports:
    • Billing Summary
    • Payroll Summary
  • Human Resources Module
  • New Report in Telephony Records for showing edit history for Completed E-TimeCards


  • Screen Reports (Flex Grids):
    • Separate the "Events" flex grid into separate grids for Documented Events and Tasks/Appointments/Schedules
  • Telephony:
    • Breakout E-TimeCards can now work for schedules over midnight (this feature previously could only apply to schedules within the same calendar day)
    • Alerts for subsequent schedules in a back-to-back sequence are only suppressed if one of the back-to-back processing options (breakout or call-in only) are explicitly turned on in telephony setup.
    • Alerting now checks both the client and caregiver in an E-TimeCard against a schedule to determine if a caregiver has clocked in. This addresses certain cases where a client has multiple schedules with different caregivers at the same time, and only one of those caregivers clocks in. An alert will now be sent for the other schedule. This may also cause additional alerts to be sent when caregivers do clock in, but enter an incorrect ID.
    • When searching for a Client or Caregiver name in the E-TimeCard screen, the system will no longer allow orphaned people to be selected.
    • When editing an E-TimeCard, and creating a new schedule based on the E-TimeCard, if no call type was selected on the E-TimeCard a "No valid authorization found" error would come up as it is looking for an authorization with that Call Type (none).
  • New option in Calendar content options to show notes on printed/emailed calendars. (Shows subject and first 200 characters of the Note, when the option is select.) Configure your content option selections in the Calendar Export Options under the Settings tool in the Agency Office Module. (This will be off by default.)
  • Added total hours to Invoice export grid as an optional column. Also for payroll export.
  • Effective Start/End Dates for Client Medications.
  • Multi-Add Screens redeveloped for better functionality.
  • Mobile Security Password reset emails now include links to the iOS and Android app stores to download the app.
  • Updated default scenarios for choosing people in documented events.
  • Updated default scenarios in "All People" tabs in Printed and Screen Reports and Export Module.
  • Added Extension field to Communication for Phone Numbers.
  • Better handling of cloud connection URLs in connection setup, can now lookup by Hometrak ID and automatically correct the URL.
  • Improved wording on messages when adding "Unavailable" Schedules that conflict with existing schedules.
  • Adding Day-specific or Date-specific Availability now uses the Office Start of Day/End of Day values from Agency Office Date and Time Settings as the default window of availability. (This was previously simply hard coded to 8 AM for 9 hours)

Bug Fixes

  • Flex Grids:
    • Binding additional columns on Event ID in Event grid wasn't working.
  • Note Type default is now selectable in Agency Office Module, System Overrides. Fixed some formatting issues with converting between Plain Text and RTF
  • Fixed a performance issue in calculating Travel Time.
  • Fixed an issue that could duplicate newly added Care Plan Notes in the Care Plan Intake tool.
  • Fixed a security issue that allowed using the Delete key on the keyboard to delete an item when the Security Level did not include Delete permission.
  • Emailing pending caregivers a schedule (from Caregiver suggestion) was also emailing any caregivers that were already existing as pending caregivers on that schedule, not just the new caregivers that were checked off.
  • Fixed a display issue on the calendars in the "Classic Hometrak" style when a Call Type had an ampersand or other special characters in it.
  • Weeks with no schedules on printed/emailed calendars were showing with no height in the days.
  • Fixed some cases of overlapping text on the Form485 report.
  • Fixed a missing security restriction on editing the Agency Office profile.

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