Creating Custom Report Watermarks

Creating Custom Report Watermarks

Watermarks are images that can be included in the background of a report generated in Companion.

Watermarks can be customized in the User Defined Information Module, under the Reporting menu.

To add a new watermark, click Add on the toolbar and fill out all of the required fields.

NameThe name of the watermark to appear in the list.
IconAn optional icon to represent the watermark in the list view.

Which pages the watermark will appear on.

All But FirstWatermark will show on all pages except the first page.
All PagesWatermark will show on all pages of the report.
First PageWatermark will show on the first page only.
NoneWatermark will not show on any pages in the report.

How or if the image size will be adjusted to the size of the page.

ClipImage will be displayed at actual size.
HideImage will not be displayed.
ScaleImage will be resized to fit the page height or width, maintaining the original image proportions.
StretchImage will be resized in all dimensions to completely fill the report page.
TileImage will be displayed at actual size and tiled across the report page.
AlignmentWhere on the page the watermark image will be displayed. (Does not apply if Scale is set to "Hide", "Stretch" or "Tile".)

Click on the Locate button to select the watermark image.

Creating a Custom Watermark Image

The recommended Watermark image size in Companion is 630 pixels wide by 120 pixels high.

Any image editing program can be used to create one.

To make the watermark image look appropriately faint, a recommended RGB value for the grey color is (239,239,239).

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