Save Reports for Mobile Viewing

Save Reports for Mobile Viewing

This feature is available to users with their database hosted on Hometrak's cloud-based solution.

Some of the mobile app features to fully utilize this feature are being developed in the next version.

Saved Reports is a handy tool for providing additional information to be visible in the mobile app(s) by making a copy of a report visible in the app, or saving a history by archiving copies of reports generated at particular times.

Generating and Saving a Report

First run the report in the normal manner from your desktop computer.

Then click on the "Save" menu tool on the toolbar and select the appropriate type of role to make the report available to for viewing. (Note that Client and Caregiver users can only view their own profile and have no access to other people's profiles in the mobile apps. An exception is the Care Plan report which can be accessible from schedules when made visible for caregivers.)

If there is information for multiple people or organizations in the report, the report is regenerated for each individual person or organization in the report to save just their information on their profile.

If you generate and save a new version of a report for a person that has already been saved for mobile viewing for a particular viewing role, the most recent version will be visible in the mobile app.

Viewing Reports in the Mobile App

If the "Care Plan" report is saved for Mobile viewing, it will be accessible from Schedules in the calendar.

You can save the Care Plan for Mobile Viewing by Caregivers to provide caregivers in the field access to the client's full care plan during their schedules.

Remove a Saved Report from the Archive

The list of saved reports can be found in the Relationships Module, under the Documentation drop down menu on the ribbon, Saved Reports tool.

This will show a list of all versions of the reports that have been saved for a particular person, and which viewing roles.

If you wish to make a particular report or version of a report no longer available in the mobile app, select the saved report record and click on the Delete tool on the toolbar to remove it from the list.

You can also view the archived report(s) contents in this location.

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