Steps for Fixing E-TimeCards

Steps for Fixing E-TimeCards

On each workday someone need to review the Open E-TimeCards and take appropriate action to make corrections to the E-TimeCards, Schedules or information in the system to correct the error(s) encountered with the E-TimeCard.

Fix only one thing at a time on an E-TimeCard following the steps below and let the system process the E-TimeCard again before making any other correction to the E-TimeCard, as fixing that one thing may cause the system to be able to further match the E-TimeCard to another E-TimeCard or Schedule without further manual intervention. Fixing too many errors at once (for example filling in a missing client and a missing end time) could cause another E-TimeCard that would have otherwise matched to become orphaned and have to be cancelled.

Step 1 - Invalid Caregiver ID

This step will show all E-TimeCards where the caregiver could not be recognized from the entered ID code.

Step 2 - Invalid Client ID

This step will show all E-TimeCards where the client could not be identified, either because the phone number from which the call originated was unknown and not attached to any client in the system, or the E-TimeCard has a "Multi Phone" error, indicating multiple clients have the same listed phone number and the correct client could not be determined. (This commonly occurs when you have multiple clients at the same location, such as serving both spouses as separate clients, or clients in a facility.)

Step 3 - Completed With Errors

This step shows all open "matched" (having both a start and end of call) E-TimeCards that still have additional errors to be addressed, such as invalid task code entries, overlapped visits or E-TimeCards with no matching schedule(s) found.

Step 4 - All Remaining Calls

This step shows all open E-TimeCards. If you have followed all of the previous steps in order, the "leftovers" shown here should be your calls that are missing a corresponding start or end of call. In this step you will be able to identify start of calls that should have been end of calls (or vice versa) or manually fill in missing information if necessary.

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