

Achievements are performance statistics that can be tracked for your office on various subjects within the program. 

These statistics can be used to measure and analyze totals and trends within your office. Achievements are calculated on a Weekly or Daily basis and each Achievement can be configured with a desired target range, with actual results outside of the target range being marked as Above or Below Average when viewing calculated Achievement Results.

The Achievement Goals you wish to track are set up in the Agency Office Module, under the Review tab.

To add an Achievement Goal, click Add. Choose the Achievement Type (Note: the standard achievement types listed at the top of the list are weekly Achievement goals. Equivalent daily Achievement goals are listed at the bottom of the list and have "Daily" in front of the name.) and optionally specify a minimum and maximum value for a target range.

Achievement Results can be calculated and viewed in the Analysis Reports Module under the Achievements tab.


 List of Achievement Goals
Status TotalsClient: Active CountTotal number of Active clients at end of period.
Status TotalsClient: Potential CountTotal number of Potential clients at end of period.
Status TotalsClient: Assessment CountTotal number of Assessed clients at end of period.
StatusesClient: Potential AddedNumber of Clients that have had a Potential status added during the period.
StatusesClient: Assessment AddedNumber of Clients that have had an Assessed status added during the period.
StatusesClient: Active AddedNumber of Clients that have had an Active status added during the period.
StatusesClient: Inactive AddedNumber of Clients that have had an Inactive status added during the period.
StatusesClient: Archived AddedNumber of Clients that have had an Archived status added during the period.
StatusesClient: Deceased AddedNumber of Clients that have had a Deceased status added during the period.
AuthorizationAuthorization: Average in DaysAverage number of days in authorizations.
AuthorizationAuthorization: Hours Not ServicedAuthorized hours not scheduled.
Status TotalsCaregiver: Active CountTotal number of Active Caregivers at end of period.
Status TotalsCaregiver: Potential CountTotal number of Potential Caregivers at end of period.
Status TotalsCaregiver: Assessment CountTotal number of Assessed Caregivers at end of period.
StatusesCaregiver: Potential AddedNumber of Caregivers that have had a Potential status added during the period.
StatusesCaregiver: Assessment AddedNumber of Caregivers that have had an Assessed status added during the period.
StatusesCaregiver: Active AddedNumber of Caregivers that have had an Active status added during the period.
StatusesCaregiver: Inactive AddedNumber of Caregivers that have had an Inactive status added during the period.
StatusesCaregiver: Archived AddedNumber of Caregivers that have had an Archived status added during the period.
SchedulesCaregiver: UtilizationTotal scheduled hours / Number of schedules
AccountingBilling: Gross DollarsTotal billing dollars
AccountingBilling: Average Hourly Bill RateAverage non-overtime hourly billing rate
AccountingBilling: Average Live-In Bill RateAverage non-overtime live-in billing rate
AccountingBilling: Average Per Visit Billing RateAverage non-overtime per visit billing rate
AccountingBilling: Total HoursTotal billing hours
AccountingBilling: Average Billing HoursAverage billed hours per client
AccountingPayroll: Gross DollarsTotal payroll dollars
AccountingPayroll: Overtime DollarsTotal overtime payroll dollars
AccountingPayroll: Average Hourly Pay RateAverage non-overtime hourly payroll rate
AccountingPayroll: Average Live-In Pay RateAverage non-overtime live-in payroll rate
AccountingPayroll: Average Per Visit Pay RateAverage non-overtime per visit payroll rate
AccountingPayroll: Total HoursTotal payroll hours
AccountingPayroll: Average Paid HoursAverage payroll hours per caregiver
SchedulesSchedule: Scheduled HoursTotal number of scheduled hours
SchedulesSchedule: Actual HoursTotal actual hours
SchedulesSchedule: Percent of Actual Hours LostPercentage different between scheduled and actual hours. (1 - (Scheduled / Actual)) * 100
SchedulesSchedule: Actual Hours LostDifference in hours between scheduled and actual
SchedulesSchedule: Cancelled Schedules CountCount of cancelled schedules
SchedulesSchedule: Cancelled Schedule HoursNumber of scheduled hours in cancelled schedules
SchedulesSchedule: No Caregiver (Open)Count of schedules with no caregiver
SchedulesSchedule: No Actual Hours EnteredCount of schedules that did not have actual hours entered
SchedulesSchedule: Caregiver Average HoursAverage scheduled hours per caregiver.
SchedulesSchedule: Caregivers Not Scheduled CountCount of caregivers that did not have a schedule
SchedulesSchedule: Caregivers Scheduled CountCount of caregivers that had a schedule
SchedulesSchedule: Clients Served CountCount of clients that had a schedule
ReferralReferrals: ReceivedCount of new referrals
SchedulesCaregiver OvertimeCaregiver overtime hours
AccountingSimple Profit: DollarsTotal Billing - (Total Payroll + Office Cost)
AccountingSimple Profit: Percentage100 * (Simple Profit / Total Billing)
Office BurdenSimple Profit: Office CostEstimated cost of the office (payroll and burdens)

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