Mobile Clock-In Configuration

Mobile Clock-In Configuration

To allow caregivers to use the time tracking features in the mobile apps, this feature must be enabled for your office.

NOTE: Extra charges may apply to using the GPS clock-in feature. Contact HomeTrak's sales and billing department for more information.

These settings are protected and can only be configured with the assistance of HomeTrak technical support staff.

The Mobile ETimeCard Setup is accessed under the Remote Access drop down in the Optional tab in the Agency Office Module. (Cloud users only)

Allow Mobile Clock-InsThis check box must be checked to enable caregivers to use the mobile app for clocking in to schedules.
SignatureAllow the caregiver to capture the client's signature using the mobile app to verify tasks performed on the schedule.
Distance Tolerance

GPS distance tolerance, in meters.

When clocking in or out of a schedule using the mobile app, the caregiver must be within this distance of the client's GPS location.

Time Tolerance

Time tolerance in minutes.

When clocking in or out of a schedule using the mobile app, the caregiver must be within this amount of time from the start or end time of the schedule, or they will not be able to clock in or out.

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