HTML Export Setup

HTML Export Setup

This feature allows you to set up an automated export of contact information and schedules for specific types of people as a set of HTML pages. If the pages are exported to a DropBox folder, these can be used with the HomeTrak Companion on the Road mobile app (download link: Android | iOS) to provide some basic, read-only on the road information for on call staff in offices that are NOT using HomeTrak's Cloud-hosted solution.

This setup is found in Agency Office Module, Optional tab, HTML Export Setup.

This feature is NOT available to cloud users as when your database is hosted, the server cannot write files to a folder that is accessible by your office. However a similar manual export may be found in the Export Information Module (found under the Main Module File Menu, Options, Export People or Organizations), "Dropbox" tool.

For our fully-featured mobile app that directly accesses your Cloud-hosted database, please see Mobile Apps

Field NameDescription
Type of ExportSelect Dropbox.
Export Path

Where to create the files. This must be a path on your server, or accessible by the server, as the automated export will be performed by the Maintenance Service running in the background on the Companion server (generally the same machine as your database server).

To use with the Companion: On the Road app, this location should be the root folder of a linked DropBox account.

Weeks FutureHow many weeks of schedules to include in the export, from the export date forward.
Weeks PastHow many weeks of schedules to include in the export, from the export date back.
Last Export Date(Read Only) The last date this export was executed by the system.
People to ExportChoose from a list of types of people to export. (Clients, Caregivers, Contacts, etc.) Active people or organizations of the selected type(s) will be included in the export.
Sync Every

Add in the Days and Times to perform the export.

NOTE: If there are a large number of people/organizations exported, it may take some time for Dropbox to sync the updated files, so you may wish the schedule the export to run an hour or more in advance of when the files are needed.

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