Using Caregiver Compatibility

Using Caregiver Compatibility

The Caregiver Compatibility in Companion is a way to link particular caregivers and clients in your system to indicate client preferences or otherwise assist in managing your scheduling by creating specific sets of caregivers to preferentially choose from when creating schedules with your clients.

Recording Compatibility

Caregiver Compatibility is found in the Client Module under the Scheduling Setup menu on the ribbon.

When adding a compatibility record to a client, you will choose from your list of caregivers and choose a category (i.e. Preferred, Not Preferred, etc.) to indicate this relationship to the client.

Editing Schedules

When creating a schedule for a client, any applicable Caregiver Compatibility is included in the "Please Review" panel at right (along with Warnings and Errors and other important information), and if the Caregiver currently selected in the schedule is in a compatibility with that client, the icon from the compatibility category is also shown beside the caregiver's name in the field as an indicator.

Caregiver Suggestion

Preferences are also indicated in Caregiver Suggestion with any compatibility included in the description column and highlighted a different color to stand out.

A Preferred or Not Preferred compatibility may also adjust the scoring of the caregiver in the results.

Caregiver Suggestion Scoring

When creating or editing Caregiver Compatibility categories in the User Defined master list, a scoring value may be specified for the category.

Altering the scoring values of your compatibility categories allows you to influence the rank and order of caregivers returned in caregiver suggestion.

By default, the included "Preferred" and "Not Preferred" categories will default this scoring to 3 and -3 respectively. This can be adjusted to give greater weight to the compatibility in Caregiver Suggestion, and you can additionally add further categories of compatibility of different strengths to indicate different levels of preferences (either for specific management and scheduling purposes, or to simply identify which caregivers the client likes the most, depending on your office's scheduling needs).

Only or Never Send Particular Caregivers

This scoring also supports the following "magic numbers" to trigger special effects (in addition to strongly affecting the ranking in Caregiver Suggestion):


If there is a listed Caregiver Compatibility with this scoring, only Caregivers with this scoring should be sent to work with this Client.

If the Client has at least one Caregiver Compatibility record of a category with this scoring, then scheduling any other Caregiver without this type of Compatibility will cause a "Caregiver Not Recommended" warning to be generated on the schedule.

When using the Caregiver Quick Pick feature, only these caregivers will be returned in the results if one or more caregivers have a compatibility score of 1000.

Use this for situations where your office required Caregivers to be specifically introduced or trained with a particular client to work with them. The Caregiver Compatibility can be used to mark those Caregivers that have received the required training or introduction to work with this Client, and other Caregivers should not be sent to this Client if they do not have this type of Compatibility.


If there is a listed Caregiver Compatibility with this scoring, that Caregiver should never be sent to work with this client. If this Caregiver is scheduled with the client, a "Caregiver Not Recommended" warning will be generated on the schedule.

When using the Caregiver Quick Pick feature, these caregivers will not be included in the results at all.

Use this for Caregivers that your Client strongly disliked or is unsuitable for any other reason to ever work with this particular Client again.

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