Print or Email the Calendars

Print or Email the Calendars

In any Calendar Module, you can print or email a Calendar for a single person or for all persons listed in the Result portion of the Find Area using the Print and Email tools in the toolbar. (Emailing calendars sends each person their own calendar information.)

When the drop down arrow next to either of those tools is selected, then many print or email options are available to choose.


Pre-Requisite to Email: You must have the Email Capabilities set up in HomeTrak Companion.

Go to a Calendar Module. Click on the Print or Email tool or one of the options under the drop down arrow to the right of the tool.

THEN. . .

The Calendar Reporting/Exporting Screen will open. Customize your print or email settings by making adjustments in the Calendar Reporting/Exporting Screen. 

Click Save to print or email the calendar.


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