Delete a Recurring Schedule

Delete a Recurring Schedule


In most cases if a schedule has been created from a recurrence master and the single event should not or did not take place you should cancel the single event instead of deleting it. If you delete a single event created from a Recurrence Master and a change is made to the Master Recurrence, the Master Recurrence may recreate the schedule.

To Delete a single event (single schedule):

Option 1 - From the Client Calendar or Caregiver Calendar: 

  • Open the Client or Caregiver Calendar. Select the record of the person for whom you want to delete a single schedule to display their calendar.
  • Move the cursor to the schedule you want to edit. Right click your mouse and select Delete.


Option 2 - From the Schedule Review Module:

  • Open the Schedule Review Module. Select the appropriate date range and select the person for whom you want to delete a schedule. Click View Data to load the main grid.
  • Select a schedule in the grid and click on the Delete tool on the toolbar.

With either method, a message will pop up asking if you are sure you want to delete? Click Yes.

Another message will pop up advising that the schedule was created from a recurrence and asking if you want to Cancel instead. In most cases you will want to click Yes to cancel the schedule.

This will cancel the schedule, leave it in the calendar and Daily Schedules modules and isolate it from the recurrence. If a schedule is isolated from the recurrence (rather than cancelled), any change made to the Master Recurrence that affects all of the schedules created from it, will not change this isolated schedule.

If a schedule is deleted but NOT cancelled, a prompt will ask if you wish to create a documented event. (You may want to create a documented event to record why you are deleting the schedule.) Select the appropriate option.
 If you select Yes, the Documented Event screen will open pre-populated with information for the schedule being deleted; make any necessary changes to the Documented Event. Click Save to complete.


To Delete Recurrence/Recurrence Master (and all schedules created from the recurrence):

  • Open the Relationships Management Module and click on the Client or Caregiver tab. Select the record of the person for whom you want to edit a recurring schedule.
  • Click on the Recurring Events tool under the Scheduling drop down in the ribbon.
    Select the Recurring Schedule you want to delete.
  • Click on the Delete tool in the Recurring Events toolbar.
  • You will be prompted to confirm you want to delete. Click Yes.

THEN. . .

Another message will display advising the schedule is a recurring schedule and ask you to confirm that you also want to remove all of the open occurrences/schedules tied to the Recurrence. In most cases you will want to click Yes.

You must confirm again that you want it to remove all of the occurrences.

If you click Yes, the Master Recurrence and all of the open occurrences/schedules will be deleted.

If you click No, the Master Recurrence will be deleted, but all of the occurrences will remain and will now all be stand-alone schedules.

After deleting the recurrence, you will be prompted if you wish to create a Documented Event. (You may want to create a documented event to record why you are deleting the Recurrence Master and all of the schedules). Select the appropriate option.

If you select Yes, the Documented Event screen opens containing pre-populated information for the recurring schedule you are deleting. Make any necessary changes to the Documented Event. Click Save to complete.




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