Utilize the Email Section

Utilize the Email Section

The Email tool can be used to generate and send an email.  It is also used to View emails that have been sent through HomeTrak Companion.

Pre-Requisite 1: You must have the Email Capabilities Setup within HomeTrak Companion.

Pre-Requisite 2: The Person you are sending an email to must have a valid email address documented in their communication items, for the email address type you are sending information to. 


If you email reports or calendars from the Calendar Modules, a record of the email sent to the person will be displayed in the Email tool on their record. If there are records/items listed double click/or edit a selected item to view the email.  

You can also use the Email tool to create an email and send to a person.

- Go to the applicable person or organization Module. (Example: if the person you want to send an email to is a Caregiver, go to the Caregiver Module).

- Select the record of the person who you want to send the email to.

- Click on the drop down arrow below the Documentation tool in the Ribbon and click on the Email tool.

- Select the Add button on the toolbar.

- the Email screen will open.

- Populate the appropriate information in the Email screen and then Send. 



Send button to send the email


Generate Report tool will generate a report of the email.  This report can be printed.


Information in regards to the status of the email. 


The Name of the Person(s) to whom you are sending the email. (You may use the magnifying glass to select more than one person.)


The Name of the Person(s) to whom you are CC (Carbon Copying) the email. (You may use the magnifying glass to select more than one person.)


The Name of the Person(s) you are BCC (Blind Carbon Copying) the email to. (you may use the magnifying glass to select more than one person.)


The Email addresses of the Person(s) to whom you are sending the email. These will automatically populate based on the people selected, and you can manually add additional addresses.


The Email addresses Person(s) to whom you are CCing (Carbon Copying) the email. These will automatically populate based on the people selected, and you can manually add additional addresses.


The Email addresses Person(s) to whom you are BCCing (Blind Carbon Copying) the email. These will automatically populate based on the people selected, and you can manually add additional addresses.


Drop down arrow will display menu that allows you to select the format for the email.  'Email' is Rich Text, 'EMailPlainText' is Plain Text and 'Text' is Email to Cell Phone as a Text Message.


Drop down arrow will display menu that allows you to select what email address Type to use. (i.e. General, Invoice or Alert) If you leave this field blank it will use all email addresses under the communication tool for selected recipients.


The Date and Time of the email.


The name of the person sending the message.


Information in regards to any attachment included in the email. 


The Subject Line for the email. 


The Body of the email. 

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