Quick Pick Scoring Options

Quick Pick Scoring Options

TopicScoring ItemTypeDescription
AbilityMandatory Required DatesStandardPositive scoring is based on having no expired Mandatory Required Dates.
AbilityCritical SkillsStandard

Caregiver has Critical Skills required by the Client's care plan or authorization.

This item is scored, but hidden from the User Defined list and is forced to be "Critical".

AbilityNon Critical SkillsPercentage MultiplierCaregiver has Non-Critical Skills required by the Client's care plan or authorization.
AbilityQualificationStandardThe Caregiver must have the qualification, if the Critical box is checked. Scoring will give points for Primary ("Having") or Secondary ("Not Having") with no points for a missing qualification.

Active or Potential (including Assessed) status. Make "Critical" to only return Active caregivers. Inactive, Deceased or Archived caregivers will never be returned by Quick Pick.

AvailableAvailableStandardCaregiver is available to work this schedule (including Availability and Schedule Conflicts)
AvailableEmployment Standards CompliantStandard

Caregiver must have:

1) at least 8 hours of unscheduled time within the previous 24 hour period,

2) at least 1 unscheduled day in the previous 7 day period or 2 unscheduled days in the previous 14 day period.

AvailableHours Per Week AvailableStandardCaregiver is scheduled within their maximum hours per week
AvailableSchedule LengthStandard

The length of the schedule matches what the Caregiver is willing to work (or Schedule Length is unused)

DemographicAuthorization ClassificationPercentage MultiplierCaregiver has Classifications required by the Authorization. When editing an Authorization, you can add to a list of Classifications that will limit the caregivers returned via Quick Pick for schedules created from that authorization.
DemographicDays ActiveMultiplierDays since first Active status date to Today
DemographicDemographic OrderingMultiplierUse the "Order" field on the Profile to manually rank caregivers higher or lower
DemographicDistrictStandardCaregiver's Preferred Districts matches Client's home district (or Preferred Districts are not used)
DemographicGenderStandardCaregiver's Gender matches Authorization Preferred Gender (or Preferred Gender not specified)
DemographicLanguageStandardClient and Caregiver both speak the same language
Distance and TravelComing from Home BeforeStandardCaregiver has no schedule before this one
Distance and TravelDistance AfterMultiplierDistance to next location (home or other event)
Distance and TravelDistance BeforeMultiplierDistance from previous location (home or other event)
Distance and TravelGoing to Home AfterStandardCaregiver has no schedule after this one
Distance and TravelPaid Travel Time AfterMultiplierAmount of travel time that would be paid to the next event
Distance and TravelPaid Travel Time BeforeMultiplierAmount of travel time that would be paid from the previous event
Distance and TravelTravel Time AfterMultiplierActual travel time to next location (home or other event), whether this travel would be paid or not.
Distance and TravelTravel Time BeforeMultiplierActual travel time from previous location (home or other event), whether this travel would be paid or not.
CompatibilityCompatibility - NegativeStandard

Caregiver has a negative compatibility relationship with this client.

Where Caregivers have any sort of compatibility with the client, in addition to these scoring options, another line will be added to the scoring list for the scoring value of the compatibility itself.

CompatibilityCompatibility - NeutralStandardCaregiver has neither negative or positive compatibility with this client
CompatibilityCompatibility - PositiveStandardCaregiver has a positive compatibility relationship with this client
Schedule HistoryPreviously VisitedStandardCaregiver has at least one previously completed visit with this Client
Schedule HistoryVisited in Today - 3 DaysStandardCaregiver visited this Client in the last 3 days (from today)
Schedule HistoryVisited in Today - 10 DaysStandardCaregiver visited this Client in the last 10 days (from today)
Schedule HistoryVisited in Today - 100 DaysStandardCaregiver visited this Client in the last 100 days (from today)
Schedule HistoryVisited more than >100xStandardCaregiver has visited this Client at least 100 times
Schedule HistoryVisited more than >10xStandardCaregiver has visited this Client at least 10 times
Schedule HistoryVisited YesterdayStandardCaregiver visited this Client yesterday
PendingCurrently PendingStandardCaregiver is currently listed as a Pending Caregiver on this schedule
PendingCurrently ScheduledStandardCaregiver is currently scheduled in this schedule
PayrollGross MarginMultiplierCalculate profitability of this schedule as a percentage of net revenue to gross revenue. ( (gross revenue - total payroll cost) / gross revenue )
PayrollHours PaidMultiplierTotal hours in payroll for caregiver (for seniority tracking)
PayrollOver Time DailyStandardCaregiver will calculate overtime for the day
PayrollOver Time WeeklyStandardCaregiver will calculate overtime for the week
PayrollPay RateMultiplier

Caregiver's pay rate for this schedule.

To address privacy or security issues, we recommend using the Gross Margin scoring to rank the lowest cost caregiver for the schedule and obscure the direct pay rate.

PayrollPayroll BurdensMultiplierTotal cost of payroll burdens for this caregiver for this schedule.
PayrollTotal Payroll CostMultiplierTotal payroll cost of the schedule, including regular pay, overtime and payroll burdens.

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