Who Should Receive the Invoice for Services Rendered?

Who Should Receive the Invoice for Services Rendered?

By default, every Client is already listed as a Possible Payer for himself. You do not have to delete the client from the possible payer if a third party is paying for the bill.

Determine who will pay for services rendered to a Client:

The Client himself will pay for the services.
The Client is a private pay client who will pay for his own services and you want to send the invoice directly to the Client.

  1. Review/edit information under the Scheduling Setup tool:
    • Billing Rates: Rates need to be established at either the Client level or the Agency Office level to cover the type(s) of work you will be providing for the Client.
    • Billing Options
  2. Add/Edit the Authorization for the service to be performed for the Client. In the Primary Payer field, select the Client's name. Click Save.

The Client's family member will pay for the services on behalf of the Client.
The Client is a private pay client but you want to address and send invoices to a specified family member.

  1. Review/add information under the Homepage tool:
    • Relationships: A relationship must be established between the Client and the family member as either an Emergency Contact or an Individual. You may need to click the Add tool to add this relationship.
  2. Review/edit information under the Scheduling Setup tool:
    • Billing Rates: Rates need to be established at either the Client level or the Agency Office level to cover the type(s) of work you will be providing for the Client.
    • Billing Options: Click the Edit tool. In the Send to Override field, select the name of the person who wishes to receive the bills for this client. This field displays the name (but not the address) of the selected person. However, both their name and address will appear on all invoices for this client.
  3. Add/Edit the Authorization for the service to be performed for the Client. In the Primary Payer field, select the option of the Client’s Name followed by the family member’s name in parentheses. (The name in the parentheses indicates whose name and address will appear on the invoice.) Click Save.


An insurance company or other third-party will pay for the services on behalf of the Client.
The Client's schedules will be paid by a third party such as an insurance company, the VA or a state agency.  

  1. Add/Edit the Authorization for the service to be performed for the Client. In the Primary Payer field, select the insurance company or other third party payer from the dropdown list.

Don’t see the third party payer that you’re looking for? You may need to add the third party payer to the system.

  1. From the ribbon of the Main Module, open the Payer Module. Click the Add button in the left-hand column to add the demographic information for the insurance company or third party payer.
  2. Add other information as necessary:.
    • Billing Rates: The rates you enter here will be applicable to ALL schedules for ALL clients invoiced to this payer.
    • Billing Options: The options you choose here will be applicable to ALL schedules for ALL clients invoiced to this payer
  3. Go back to the Client’s Authorization and choose this company as the Primary Payer for the Authorization.


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