

This feature is most beneficial when you bill your clients for any Events (Tasks, Appointments or Documented Events) without creating a schedule. For instance, if you are doing some tasks like sending e-mails or making phone calls and you would like to bill a customer for that without spending too much time setting up a new schedule in the system along with going through the entire Billing process, then Billables is your feature.  You can bill your clients in a matter of seconds! 

Billables is being used for dealing with any client issues and is related to any office work that is being done by the office staff. It’s not related to any work done by caregivers and / or caregivers’ payroll.


A) A client requested to scan and e-mail some papers; send faxes or make some phone calls. You can create a new Task in the system and bill it to the client.

B) An assessment visit needs to be done with a client. You can create a new Appointment in the system and bill it to the client.

Prior to setting up an Event (Task, Appointment or Documented Event) and billing it to a Client, there are some pre-requisites that need to be set-up in the User Defined and Relationship Management Modules.

      1.  Set-up Pre-requisites:

          a) Add an Event (Task, Appointment or Documented Event) Category to the respective Master Lists in the User Defined Module.

Ensure that the “Billable” option on any event category you wish to bill is set to “Only Billing, No Payroll” in order to allow the event to be Billable.

          b) Add a new Call Type (Service) in the Master List of Call Types in the User Defined Module. 


          c) Add new Billing Rates to the Clients or Payers for the new Call Type(Service) in the Relationship Management Module.

          d) Add a new /wiki/spaces/HCV5/pages/1278465 for the new Call Type (Service) in the Relationship Management Module.


Ensure that the Authorization is set to use an Hour Code of “Only Billing, No Payroll.

      2. Add Events (TaskAppointment or Documented Event) in the Relationship Management Module.


      3.  Bill a Client for a Task, Appointment or Documented Event without going through the entire Billing process.

  • From the Relationship Management module, click on the Clients tab on the ribbon.
  • Click on Scheduling tool drop down tool on the Ribbon and choose “Billables.
  • Choose the appropriate Date Range (Start and End Dates) and the Client’s name in the Find Area on the left-hand side of the screen.
  • A grid of Events (Tasks, Appointments and Documented Events) will be displayed in the Main Display Area. 

    Only Events having a category with the Billable option set to “Only Billing, No Payroll” will be included in the grid.
  • Ensure all the Events for which you want to create billing records are checked.
  • Click on the “Create Billing” tool on the toolbar.
  • When a new pop-up screen opens, choose the applicable authorization for the client.
  • You can modify any of the records by clicking on any cell in the grid before creating the billing records.
  • The grid description column by default matches the Event’s category; it will be also displayed in the generated Invoice.
  • You can also manually add any extra records. Simply click and fill in the blank line in the grid to add an additional record. Note that any new records added this way are not associated with an event.
  • Click Save to generate and post the new billing records.
  • Billing records will be created in a Batch matching the Date Range set originally and with “Billable” in the Batch name. These records will be found in the Finance Module in Posted Billing.

    To view and change (if required) posted billing records:

  • From the Finance Module, choose Posted Billing and click on View Posted Records.
  • Select the required Batch and the Client’s name on the left hand-side of the Find Area and click on View Data in the toolbar.
  • You can change a processed billing record by selecting the record in the grid and clicking the Edit button on the grid toolbar.
  • Save the changes.

         To print or export posted invoices:

  • From the Finance Module, choose Posted Billing and click on Print Invoices and Export.
  • Select the required Batch and the Client’s name on the left hand-side of the Find Area and click on View Data.
  • To print an invoice, click on the Reports drop down tool on the grid toolbar, choose Invoices to generate the checked Invoice(s). You can print or save a copy of the report from the report viewer.

  • To export an invoice, click on the Actions drop down tool and select the Billing package to which you want to export the checked invoice(s).

    Exporting invoices will require additional setup in the Agency Office Module to configure your external interfaces.


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