Default Payroll Options for new caregivers can be established in the Agency Office Module.
When you add a new caregiver, these Payroll Options are added to their profiles by default. You can always edit the Payroll Options for an individual caregiver right on their own profile to suit their specific needs.
Where to find the Payroll Options?
- In the Agency Office Module: Finance tab, New Caregiver Default Payroll Options. (This establishes a template for when you add new Clients and Payers. Changes here will not update existing people.)
- In the Relationship Management Module under Caregivers tab: Open the module, select the person and click the Scheduling Setup menu on the ribbon then click Payroll Options.
The Payroll Options screen is the same, no matter from which module you are entering/editing the payroll options: Agency Office, Human Resources or Caregiver Module.

Left Column Fields, click here to expand...
Left Column Fields and their Explanation
Left Column Field | Explanation |
Pay Hours At | Choose how to pay the caregiver: Scheduled, Actual or Rounded hours. The Option chosen is applied to a schedule when it is finalized. Most companies bill Actual hours. If Telephony is used, then Rounded hours is a common option. Example: You are paying a caregiver for a schedule which was set up as 9:00am–11:00am (2 hours). The caregiver actually worked from 9:00am–10:42am (1 hour, 42 minutes or 1.70 hours) - Scheduled hours: The caregiver is paid for 2 hours
- Actual hours: The caregiver is paid for 1.70 hours
- Rounded hours: The caregiver is paid for 1.75 hours (Based on the Default setting of a 15-minute interval that rounds 7 minutes down and 8 minutes up to the nearest quarter hour. The Default setting for the rounding interval is setup in the User Defined Module.)
Hours Ratio | Choose how to show an hour on your payroll report: either as four units or in an hour format. Example: A 1.5 hour schedule will show on the payroll report as either 6 units or 1.5 hours. |
Mileage Rate | The default rate per mile that you pay this caregiver. |
Travel Rate Per Hour | The default rate per hour that you pay this caregiver for time spent driving to the client's location. Note: This rate is applied only if the Travel Time checkbox in the Bill Extras grid in the lower right of the screen is checked. If you do pay Travel Time, the system will calculate it automatically, taking into account the maximum minutes of travel time to be billed for a visit. (You can also change the travel time rate and whether the travel time checkbox is selected on an individual schedule on the Setup a Schedule form.) |
Max Minutes of Travel | Set the travel time limit, in minutes, for which you pay this caregiver. Note: This takes effect only if the Travel Time checkbox in the Bill Extras grid in the lower right of the screen is checked. Example: If the maximum minutes of travel you pay for a visit is 15 and there are 20 minutes between visits, the caregiver will be paid for 15 minutes. However, if there are 10 minutes between visits, the caregiver will be paid for 10 minutes. |
Pay Holiday Rate | Checkmark if this caregiver should be paid the holiday rate when they provide care on a holiday. (The Holiday Pay Factor is setup in the Agency Office Module / Finance tab / Holidays.) |
Pay Overtime | Checkmark if this caregiver should be paid the overtime rate when providing over "x" hours of care per day or per week. "x" hours is the threshold number of hours per day or per week, after which the overtime rate will take effect. For each hour worked over "x", the caregiver is paid the average pay rate multiplied by the Overtime Pay Factor. (The Overtime Pay Factor is setup in Agency Office Module / With Support's Advice tab / Settings / Payroll Settings.) |
Actual > Sch, Pay Sch | Pay this caregiver the scheduled hours for a visit if the actual hours worked by the caregiver are greater than what was scheduled. |
Actual < Sch, Pay Sch | Pay this caregiver the scheduled hours for a visit if the actual hours worked by the caregiver are less than what was scheduled. |
Send To Override | Use this field to have another person's name and address appear on the Summary by Caregiver payroll report (rather than the caregiver's). Possible choices are the people listed under the Relationships button for the caregiver. Note: This field is optional and should only be populated on an individual caregiver's record. Do not populate this field on the Payroll Options in the Agency Office Module.
Address Override | Use this field to specific a secondary address (such as the caregiver's P.O. box) on the payroll reports. The list of Secondary Addresses to choose from is on the Homepage tool dropdown options. Note: This field is optional and should only be populated on an individual caregiver's record. Do not populate this field on the Payroll Options in the Agency Office Module. |
Quickbook Class | Select the QuickBooks class to use for this caregiver. This field is normally used in conjunction with Class Tracking in QuickBooks. Pre-establish the list of QuickBooks Classes in the Agency Office Module / Required tab / Interfaces / QuickBooks setup. |
Right Column Fields, click here to expand...
Right Column Fields and their Explanation
Right Column Field | Explanation |
Pay Rounded Hours At | Select how to round the pay hours if you have selected Rounded as the ‘Pay Hours At’ option for this caregiver. The rounding parameter is used only if the caregiver is paid on a rounded basis. (Pre-Establish the list of rounding parameters in the User Defined Module / Optional tab / Payroll and Billing / Rounding Type) |
| Select the informational text to appear on the bottom of the Summary by Caregiver payroll report. (Pre-establish the list of Pay Stub Information in the User Defined Module / Optional tab / Payroll and Billing / Invoice Term) Examples: We Appreciate Your Work! or notification of office hours, etc. |
Payroll Instructions | Enter any special instructions for the office staff doing the payroll. These instructions appear on the report generated along with the payroll. Note: This field is optional and should only be populated on an individual caregiver's record. Do not populate this field on the Payroll Options in the Agency Office Module. Example: A reminder that this caregiver prefers to pick up her paycheck at the office. |
| Checkmark the appropriate boxes to pay this caregiver for extra charges. To pay Extra Charges, the amount of the charge must be entered in the Setup a Schedule window (either number of miles and rate or the dollar amount, depending on the Extra Charge). - Errand Miles: Mileage incurred by the caregiver when running errands for the client, such as a trip to the doctor or grocery store.
- Expenses: Charges incurred by the caregiver on behalf of the client, such as taking the client to lunch or purchasing supplies.
- Mileage: Mileage incurred by the caregiver travelling to or from the client’s location.
- Per Diem: A set amount added to the caregiver's pay on a per day basis, such as for gas.
- Travel Time: Time spent driving to a client’s location. (When payroll is finalized, the system will calculate the amount to pay for travel time (minutes of travel multiplied by the travel time rate for the caregiver). Travel Time calculated is dependent on the Travel time options setup in Agency Office Module / Required tab / Settings / Schedule Settings).