Recommended Information to Add to a New payer

Recommended Information to Add to a New payer

When you add a person or organization as a payer in the Payer Module, you are adding a relationship for this person or organization to your office as a payer.

A payer can be entered into the system in three different ways:

A client who will pay for their own care (Private Pay): By default, when a client is added to the Client Module, they are assigned as the one who will pay for their care. Private Pay clients do not need to be entered in the Payer Module.

A person (relative or otherwise) attached to the client's record as an emergency contact or individual: If this person is going to pay for the client's care, then you can use the Send to Override field on a client's Billing Options to send invoices to this person. This person does not need to be entered in the Payer Module.

Non-Private (Third Party) Payers: A non-private payer includes insurance companies, government programs, trust funds or other such organizations. Non-private (third party) payers are entered in the Payer Module and then they can be added as a possible payer on a client's record.

This Pre-Requisite is necessary to add a new payer in the Payer Module:

Pre-Requisite 1:  Call Types representing the different types of service your company offers must already be added in the User Defined Module.

THEN. . .

The recommended information to add to a new payer:

Status: Select the appropriate status for the payer. As the relationship of a payer changes with your company, so will their status and you will want to make sure you add the new status whenever it changes.

Billing Options: Edit the specific billing options in the payer's record using the Billing Options tool.

Billing Rates: Use the Billing Rates tool to add billing rate(s) for the service(s) you will provide to a client or clients whose bills this payer will be paying.

For more information on any of the areas mentioned in this document, please view their specific help items.

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