Close an Authorization (Contract)

Close an Authorization (Contract)

The Authorizations tool is found under the "Scheduling Setup" drop down menu on the ribbon in the Relationship Management Module for Clients.

Select the Authorization you wish to close. Click the Edit tool in the Main Display Area to open the Setup an Authorization screen.

Edit the Authorization's End Date to the last date of service/the date you want to use as the close date. NOTE: Make sure you have the date and year correct.

An Authorization is valid until 11:59pm of the day chosen as the End Date.

Click Save. A prompt screen will pop up to ask if you are sure, and to advise that all schedules outside of the Authorization's updated date range that do not have actual hours will be removed.

In most cases you will want to select Yes. Selecting Yes will

  • adjust the end date of the Authorization, and
  • remove schedules created from this Authorization if they are to occur after the revised End Date AND they do not have actual hours.


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